Monday, September 22, 2008

Why You Are Still Overweight

Most people do not fully understand the complex workings of our bodies. People come up with many theories to lose weight. Cutting calories, eating low fat foods and exercising more are some of these theories. You may have even tried diets that are built on these theories. So, why are you still overweight?

You are still overweight because you are eating the wrong types of foods in the wrong ways. If you have been dieting and the diet emphasizes low carb foods, starvation methods, or low fat foods then you are eating the wrong foods. If you are not dieting, then you simply are not eating the right foods in the right way.

The food you eat will do one of two things. It will make you lose weight or gain weight. We are taught from an early age to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. Actually eating 3 large meals a day is not good for your body.

Your body is very complex. Your body will actually benefit from eating 5 or 6 smaller meals per day than the standard 3 large meals. You will actually be able to eat more food and lose weight!

By eating more often in smaller portions your body burns the energy it is given more efficiently. You also boost your metabolism which will cause you to burn that fat away. You will have much more physical and mental energy through out your day and lose weight at the same time.

Eating healthy foods in 5 or 6 meals per day will increase your metabolism and for fast weight loss that sticks. Always start with a breakfast consisting of fiber and fruits. Then continue to eat healthy foods through out the day about every 3 hours.

Exercise has some to do with weight loss. Just don't be sold on the idea that increasing exercise is all you need to lose weight. Exercise without a proper diet will do little to help you achieve your weight loss goals. In fact, unless you just never move all day long, most people already get enough exercise in their daily tasks. A little extra exercise with the right diet will help your weight loss.

Eating the right kinds of healthy foods in the right way combined with a sensible exercise plan will increase your metabolism and speed your weight loss. You finally know why your are still overweight.

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