Monday, September 1, 2008

What is the Best Way to Burn Body Fat and Have Fun Doing It?

The best way to burn body fat is to increase your exercise and cut your calories. Keep in mind that you have to lose 3500 calories in order to burn one pound of fat. That means that if you cut your calorie intake and increase your exercise at the same time you will burn body fat.

How to Implement Ideas for the Best Way to Burn Body Fat

So now you know that you need to do two things in conjunction for the best way to burn body fat - stop eating and start exercising. Doing them both in conjunction will boost your fat burning endeavor tremendously. This does not mean that you need to stop eating entirely and start doing a hundred push-ups and another hundred sit-ups a day in addition to a strenuous cardiovascular work out. Torturing yourself in an effort to look good makes for a long, frustrating journey that involves a whole lot of counting; when you are not counting calories you are counting your daily push-ups, sit-ups and leg-ups.

The best way to burn body fat is one that involves having fun and feeling good while still burning fat. Take a look at some of the ways that you can do this:

- Instead of spending hour after hour on the treadmill going nowhere, put on those running shoes and run along the beach or go trekking up a mountainside. Feeling the sea air or the mountain air on your face is an exhilarating feeling.

- Ditch the stationary cycle and go cycling in the countryside instead. Tucking into your healthy, delicious picnic hamper amidst pristine surroundings will make the journey there worthwhile.

- Take belly-dancing classes, salsa classes or any other dance class. Grooving to the rhythm beats counting crunches any day.

Who says that the path to weight loss is long and tortuous? The best way to burn body fat is to live life large and enjoy the journey!

Vanessa Raven is a well-known weight loss consultant and the author of the popular FREE report:

"36 Potent Fat Burning Foods To Lose 10 Pounds In No Time Flat!"

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