Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lose Weight Quickly - A Quicker Way to Lose Fat

Losing weight can be a difficult task if we do not follow some basic rules. All of us desire to lose fat in a quicker way. People often fall a prey of the myth that fast weight loss causes harm and side effects. This is not true. If we truly enjoy what we are doing to lose weight and if we know what are the exact methods that work, losing weight fast should not be a problem.

Detoxifying is a very important step if we want to lose weight in just a few days. Hydration is important in cleansing our body. Drinking plenty of water keeps the body hydrated. In addition, fiber supplements and body wraps are great ways to get rid of our body toxins. These items in combination will promote healthy bodily function, and will make weight loss goals in just a few days a reality. Water helps to wash away toxins from our body. Although they are not directly linked to weight loss, the toxins are washed away by drinking enough water so that we can run an extra mile on the treadmill.

Protein helps in developing muscles and they are less likely to be turned into fat compared to carbohydrates. Muscles consume a lot of energy and indirectly increase metabolism rate. Therefore, protein will definitely help in losing weight quickly. Monitoring everything we eat and carrying the calorie card around is kind of paranoid. We can keep a track on what we consume and have a fair idea as to how much of calories we consume.

There is one and only one way of losing fat the easy way, and that is with the combination of a balanced and nutritive diet, aerobic activity, and strengthening exercises for abdominal and other muscles. The best workout to burn the layers of abdominal fat along with overall fat comprises a cardiovascular or aerobic exercise like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, swimming or stair climbing, combined with abdominal exercises like crunches and hip lifts, and also weight training for other muscle groups. Weight training increases lean muscle mass and hence the metabolic rate, implying that we burn fatter even while resting.

Eating fruits and vegetables in their raw form also helps in cutting calories. Since the body does not get enough fat from these foods it uses stored fat from the body thus fastening the slimming process. But all kinds of fats are not bad. Nuts and cooking oil contain healthy fats. These are essential for the body and for the skin to remain soft and supple. Using a moderate amount of oil in cooking will not add to our calories and contain vitamins essential for the body.

Some sessions of intense cardio can also be helpful. This form of exercise includes rigorous exercise and we tend to burn fat more in this form of activity. Fast activities bring along joy, we do not get bored easily and it helps us to de-stress. These days with new forms of exercises being introduced everyday working out hasn't been more fun. Dance is a form which is a very popular option with the young and the old. Any kind of dance is an excellent exercise and is not boring also. Kick-boxing, aqua aerobics are also interesting forms to workout and have fun.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rikard_Ingvarsson

1 comment:

Sexier said...

Thanks for the wonderful tips.. It would be better to find the quickest way to lose weight that is easy and healthy.