Friday, October 17, 2008

Weight Loss - How to Lose Weight Quickly After Pregnancy

It is a wonderful moment in the life of a woman when she discovers that she is going to be a mother. Mingled with feelings of excitement and anticipation, are twinges of doubt that the coming baby will mean a complete change in her appearance and lifestyle. Often women complain of weight increase after pregnancy which never tends to shed. This is untrue. Pregnancy weight can also be shed provided we take good care of ourselves. The maximum a woman should gain during pregnancy is 10-12kgs.

Crash diets are a big no after the birth of the baby because they will only deprive the body of the much-needed energy. Consulting a doctor on nutrition and exercise is a very good option and losing not more than 1kg weight a week. Breastfeeding gives a head start since it actually helps the mother lose weight and shrivel the uterus to its standard size. A combination of healthy eating and exercising should start immediately to feel the difference. Many mothers often take a break of about six months before they hit the exercise floor and in those six months enough damage is done. So it becomes even more important to start with at least brisk walking soon after the delivery.

The body goes through a significant amount of changes during pregnancy. Soon after the delivery the woman loses 6 kilos. If she is breastfeeding, she will get back to the normal weight more quickly because producing milk uses fat stores in the body and burns up lots of energy. It is important to allow the weight to reduce gradually. This process should happen naturally as long as extra kilos are not consumed. Heavy exercise should be avoided and options like walking, yoga can be incorporated in the lifestyle. Once the doctor gives a green signal exercises like running, aerobics can be inculcated.

The aim is to give the body around six months to get back into shape naturally before resorting to a restricted eating plan. The early days of motherhood are not a good time to diet. The body needs some additional energy and nutrients to meet the extra requirements of feeding and generally looking after the baby. Therefore diets are a strict no. food rich in nutrients and fiber can be added to the menu. Plenty of water should be consumed and avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast. We should have balanced meals without too much fat or sugar.

Getting a flat stomach involves toning up of the stomach muscles and skin as they become inflated and stretched during pregnancy. A few toning exercises will help the stomach firm again. Before giving your stomach muscles an exercises, we must make sure that any physical damage as a result of giving birth has healed and is back to normal again. Consulting the doctor is advised to find out what is best for the body and when to start.

During pregnancy and during the act of giving birth, important demands are made on the muscles that make up the "pelvic floor". Relaxation of these muscles is very important. Pelvic floor exercises help the muscles to tone up quickly. Some may experience poor bowel habits also. This can be resolved by eating a fiber-rich diet, drinking plenty of fluids and some exercises like walking.

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