Saturday, October 4, 2008

You Can Not Lose Weight? Here Is The Secret To Lose Weight

Are you feeling you have endlessly tried to lose that belly, but it seems you can not lose weight at all. You have tried numerous diet plans, relying on starvation, and either have not lost anything or gain everything back. Well do not worry, you are normal and there is nothing wrong with your body at all.

The reason you have not lost a pound is because you have not found the right diet plan. Actually only a few one of them really works.

Most of the diet plan that are on the market are ineffective. Why? Because of course the weight loss industry ultimate goal is to make money. In fact, they do not really care whether you succeed or not. And even with their ridiculous starving system, they could not care less whether the dieter lives or dies.

You should avoid diet plan that lower your feeding by suggesting you to eat one meal a day. Those kind of diet are probably the worst of all. Yes you will lose weight, but only for a time.

Because you body is getting less calories due to the reduction of meals, your body is entering a natural survival mode. Meaning that your body will stop burning calories and save every ounce it will be able to get. So instead of losing weight you will end up gaining it back.

Even worst, your body, not to sure whether or not things are finally back to normal, will keep on storing calories even after you are done with the diet. So in the end, you end up with more weight than when you started the diet. Ironic, is it not?

So if one can not lose weight using those methods, how can he?

Well believe it or not, there is a secret to weight loss. And that secret is one that weight loss companies are trying to denied, because it is seriously the one working way to lose fat.

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