Friday, November 7, 2008

Losing Fat - Burning Fat For Women

Women are using a variety of fat burners, indicating that they are an effective tool for rapid weight loss. Each fat burner is different, based on the ingredients, but popularity among women determines which fat burners are the top sellers.

Green tea extract is one of the top fat burners for women, and since it originates from China, it has been used there for thousands of years. Green tea has other properties too, like anti inflammatory properties and can just give you that extra energy that you have been lacking.

In the human body fat is mostly accumulated in the stomach and in thigh areas. The fat burner Nutrex Lip6 is one of the best fat burner for women and it can be used for men too. It is a liquid capsule manufactured for the first time and its main feature is that it gets directly absorbed into the blood and also provide with enough energy too.

Bodybuilding supplements are a good choice because they have natural fat burner qualities. At the same time appetite suppressants are available and they will help you to control your diet, if that is also necessary for you. If you want a bodybuilding supplement which is suitable for women, the Opti-Women multi vitamin is a good choice. This bodybuilding supplement is made especially to suit women's needs and helps to give the body a wonderful balance of natural vitamins, minerals and other herbs. These ingredients go a long way in helping a woman's workout, and being a part of the top fat burners for women.

When using bodybuilding supplements to achieve fat burning goals, it is important to check the ingredients before use. While some fat burners indicate zero diet restrictions and continued weight loss, it is important to use them cautiously.

When looking at the best results of the top fat burners for women, it is evident that a mix of proper bodybuilding supplements with a healthy diet and solid exercise routine definitely add to the success of the weight loss. In any case, if you combine all three elements working towards the same goal, you will definitely achieve the results that you are seeking. It is not possible to get instantaneous results, but if you keep persisting, you will definitely achieve your goal.

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The Myths About Fat Loss

Most of the people walking the streets have some amount of excess abdominal fat. The bad news is that a majority of these people are not aware that the load they are carrying around with them is far more dangerous than crossing the road with your eyes closed. Another thing they are not aware of is that they are subconsciously unaware that they are shying away from showing off their body. A good looking body can be a great help to self esteem and your attitude to life. Excess abdominal fat is not just plain ugly it is a health hazard, and science has proven this time and time again. To begin with it is important to understand that your abdomen is layered with two types of fatty tissue.

One type of fat covers your abs and prevents them from showing and is called subcutaneous fat. This can be found just under the skin resting right on top of the abdominal muscles.The second type of fat is called visceral fat and is found deeply embedded in the abdominal area beneath the abdominal muscles and surrounds the organs of the abdomen. This kind of fat is what gives men the famed 'beer belly'. It is this fat that gives the hard bulky look and feel to the abdomen, while the subcutaneous fat hides the abs. Both the kinds of fat contribute to the risk of developing high blood pressure problems, heart problems, sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, diabetes, stroke and many digestive problems. Visceral fat is particularly dangerous because it releases inflammatory molecules consistently into your system.

It is time you did something to reduce the amount of abdominal fat if you care for your health and want to be around to take care of your lived ones. So, now one comes to the point of deciding, or finding out, if there is really some way of losing that ugly stomach fat. The answer is yes, and the process demands a lot of patience and consistency.

To begin with you must understand that you must give your stomach as many months to flatten out as you had given it years to swell out. So if you have been harboring a pot belly for three years give yourself at least 3 months of exercise and dieting to get rid of it. Nothing happens in a fortnight as most people will promise.

There are no gimmicks and gadgets that could help you get rid of your stomach fat - at least not permanently. You could spend your hard earned money to lose that fat in a month but in a matter of days it seems to grow back again. Many gyms and fat loss clinics will show you pictures titled 'before' and 'after' but how many of them show you pictures titled 'after after? Give it a thought. The only guaranteed solution to getting rid of fat and keep it off is to have a sound diet consisting of unprocessed, natural foods combined with a good exercise routine. As a rule of thumb remember that when you exercise your system takes 15minutes to begin burning fat, so the first fifteen minutes of walking or jogging is just a warm up routine. After that every minute you exercise you lose fat - and fluids. So, replace the fluids with a good health drink. Now, don't go rushing off to spend some cash on a health drink, a simple water solution of salt and sugar will do just fine. My next article will explain how to make yourself a good health drink, so watch out for it.

Now your exercise, walk, hog, run cycle or do just about anything that will work up a sweat without you feeling uncomfortable. Nothing can be simpler. Plan a routine and stick to it for a week then change the exercise routine. You don't want your body to get used to a particular routine and then begin to slow down the response to the exercise, do you? The same can be said about your diet read all about it in my next article on diet and fat loss.

The idea is to fox your metabolism into burning your excess fat. It takes your brain 20 minutes to receive a signal from your system that you have had enough to eat. It is during this delayed twenty minutes that you eat those extra calories you really don't need. So stop eating when you are still a bit hungry - remember your brain does not know yet that your stomach is full - so you feel hungry even after eating sufficiently.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Manifesting Weight Loss Through Education, Knowledge and Support

Everybody who has ever tried a voluntary effort to lose weight has started their journey with the basic desire of wanting it to happen. If you are now over weight then the chance that you are reading this is no accident. If you are reading this then you more than likely are here because you want to make a change in your life. Wanting that change is the first step towards manifesting successful and long term weight loss. If you have been battling the bulge then you know that wanting the weight loss is more than likely not enough. If you want to achieve complete and lasting weight loss then you need to carry yourself onto the next step and that step is education. We do not mean a college degree but what we do mean is basic knowledge of how your mind and body function. Notice we started off with mind because that is where all weight loss battles are begun, waged and either won or lost.

If you really desire to lose weight and lose 20 pounds or lose 100 pounds, you need to educate yourself in the ways of food calories and exercise and food portioning. By this stage of your life you may have tried numerous diets and have come to learn that almost all diets can be classified as a fad diet. Almost all diets help you achieve fast, initial weight loss and then abandon you to the reality that you have to live your life. Once you realize that you still have a life to live that diet falls into the bin of another failed weight loss attempt. Once you try to put your life into the fad diet plan your life more often than not beats that diet into submission. This is where your education becomes the most important step in your weight loss journey.

The education we refer to is spending time reading and learning and absorbing more information while sifting through all of the weight loss hype out there. What you need to do is search around the internet or your actual physical neighborhood and seek out people such as yourself to help support your need for not only weight loss but for knowledge and support.

As you travel through your weight loss expedition do not get discouraged because true weight loss is not a dash to the finish line but it needs to be more like a marathon. You need to start off the journey and just proceed slowly and steady. Do not get wrapped up into all of the obstacles that trip up millions and millions of diet wannabes. Start yourself off with a solid foundation and keep gathering knowledge and support. Through that knowledge you will be capable of making better daily decisions and through the support you will be able to continue those better decisions for the long haul. Weight loss is all about your choices. You need just make the choice to start and try your best and that best needs to include knowledge and support.

Weight loss begins in the mind and that process starts with the manifestation of desire. After that desire bubbles to your emotional surface your knowledge will help keep it afloat and your support system will keep it on course to your destination. Your destination becomes your life's journey and that is what your mind must wrap itself around. Weight loss without knowledge is doomed to fail and that failure will only manifest more failure. Break the chain of diet and weight loss failure through education and use some emotional support to make your thoughts a reality.

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Lose Baby Weight Fast

Where Do I Start?

From the moment we see weight gain, our first instinct is to get rid of it asap! This really isn't as big of a problem as you might think. Losing your baby weight fast isn't tough, you just have to have a good solid plan! Here are some things that will help you get started!

Develop A Plan

You need to have a plan of attack to lose baby weight fast. You can't just hop into the gym and pick up a weight, then jump on a treadmill and expect to lose your baby weight! You need to have a plan, and what I always recommend is to write it down. What you will do for that week and the next and so on......

Set Realistic Goals

You need to set realistic goals. To lose all your baby weight in one month is impossible, well let me rephrase that. To lose baby weight fast, i.e. one month can be done with steroids or starvation. With that said lets take a healthy approach shall we!

Set goals in small increments, what I mean by this is, instead of saying I want to lose 35 pounds, break that down into weekly goals. 2lbs of fat loss per week is a great and healthy goal, and if you maintain that you will lose that 35 pounds in 17 weeks... That's not bad, plus it will be pure fat loss making you look even more tone and sexy!

Stay On Track!

This is the hardest part when it comes to losing your baby weight. I always equate losing weight to quitting smoking. You have to have a plan, set your goals, and stay on track. You will only be able to lose weight if you want to. It has to be in your head all the time and you must know within your heart that you can do it.

Developing a mindset is going to be your biggest hurdle. I can teach you how to lose baby weight fast with workouts, diet programs, and so on....But, if you can not get a good mindset nothing will work. This is the single most important thing to lose your baby weight fast!

You Have The Tools, Now Go Lose Your Baby Weight!

OK, you have the basic tools necessary to lose baby weight fast! Now put it into action! Be realistic, set good goals, develop a plan of attack, and STAY ON TRACK!!!!! It takes about 21 days to create a habit, so for the next 21 days only eat healthy foods, do quality workouts, and you will lose your baby weight fast, and have the body YOU deserve!!!

For More Great Reviews & Tips On How To Lose Baby Weight Fast Click The Link Below!

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Friday, October 31, 2008

Effective Weight Loss Diets

If your overweight and want to lose weight, welcome to the normal adult club. Being overweight has become so common place, it' become the norm. Never mind the fact that our ancestors had to live off of the land and chase down their meals. That's the main reason why people are overweight now.

The more technology advances, the less people have to do physically. If cars were never invented and people had to walk everywhere, everybody would be in tremendous shape. But when you combine advanced technology that removes human physical exertion from the equation with fast food and other foods high in cholesterol. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the average adult is overweight.

If you want to lose weight you have to cut back on your calorie intake and you have to go back to your "roots" and start physically exerting yourself. Once you cutback on your calorie intake and start burning off calories you'll easily begin to drop pounds.

The most effective way to cutback on your calorie intake is to change your diet and substitute some of your fatty item foods with healthy ones when you decide to eat. You can still eat foods high in cholesterol but they shouldn't be a major part of your diet if you want to lose weight.

Another key to losing weight is to start exercising on a regular basis. Regular exercise will cause you to burn calories and increase the amount of weight you drop. If your not used to exercising, start off light so you don't overexert yourself and turn your workouts into torture routines and injury yourself.

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Fast Ways To Lose Weight - Tips To Lose Weight Quickly

Why do so many people struggle with their weight? Simple, to much technology(allowing them not to have to physically exert themselves) combined with foods high in cholesterol is the perfect formula for being overweight. So to lose weight quickly, you have to counteract those two things by exercising and lowering your calorie intake.

Once you lower your calorie intake and start exercising and burning calories off, your weight will drop like a sky diver without a parachute. Human biology guarantees that this formula will work. So if you want to immediately start losing weight you first need to cutback on foods high in cholesterol.

Getting your eating habits under control is an important element for weight loss, the human body is designed to adjust itself for your calorie intake and frequency of eating. So if you eat 3 to 4 times a day and eat healthy and don't fill your body with needless calories will your body will naturally adjust itself and you will start the process of losing weight.

Next up is to put that process into overdrive, you do this by exercising. When you exercise you force your body to burn calories and this in turn makes you lose weight. The easiest way to burn calories is to do aerobic activities that cause your heart rate to increase and make you sweat. If your "new" to exercise you can start off light and just go for daily walks.

A daily 1-1.5 mile walk combined with a decrease in calorie intake will force your body into fat burning overdrive and you will easily drop off pounds.

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Easy Diets - Free Weight Loss Programs

Dieting to lose weight isn't as difficult as most people make it out to be, in fact to lose weight you don't have to go on a diet that requires you to starve yourself, you just need to go on a diet that lowers your calorie intake. Once you lower your calorie intake you'll start to lose weight,so you can still fill up at meal time and lose weight if you pick the right foods.

The key to dieting right is to combine lowering your calorie intake with regular exercise. When you exercise you burn calories, so lowering your calorie intake and burning calories doubles the rate at which you lose weight. To properly lower your calories you have to take a look at your eating habits and find all of the foods that are high cholesterol that you eat on a regular basis and cutback on how much you eat.

You don't have to completely eliminate them from your diet, you just have to make them a lower part of your diet. And if you insist on eating them on a regular basis don't make them the item that you fill up on. Provide healthy side dishes with your meals and lower your portion of fatty foods. This will significantly lower your calorie intake if you do it right.

To double your weight loss you need to exercise 3-5 days a week. If you don't exercise on a normal basis, start of light and work your way up. As soon as you start exercising you will begin to burn calories and by starting off light your letting your body get used to exercising. If you combine consistent exercise with sufficient amounts of daily rest(sleeping gives your body time to heal), your body will get used to it and you can increase the intensity of your workouts over time if you want to lose more weight and look even better.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Medical Insurance Savings - These Tips Will Help You A Lot

With the right advice you'll get more affordable rates for sufficient coverage. It is also necessary that I point out that there are recommendations that might put you at risk even if they help you make savings at the moment. I will, nevertheless, only make suggestions that will save you much while you still keep enjoying adequate coverage...

1. Even though most individuals know that smoking adds to their rates, they may not know that this also applies if they use other tobacco products. Those who snuff or chew tobacco will also get higher rates than those who don't. Staying away from all tobacco products will attract less expense in health insurance.

2. A group plan is less expensive than an individual plan. Don't miss it if you're in a position that gives you the opportunity of using a group plan as it generally implies that you'll pay lower rates. This statement becomes even more so if you're overweight, a smoker or an older person.

A group plan will help you make considerable savings if you have a pre-existing condition that makes individual health insurance either too costly or almost impossible to come by. A group plan is an easy way to lower your cost without reducing the quality of coverage you will enjoy.

3. You will spend less in health insurance if you if you get the right tips. Individuals who know more about health care and insurance get better deals. Moreover, you will find it easier to get every benefit that you are eligible for if you always have the right information.

There are toll-free numbers you can call if you need help on health matters. One of such numbers is that of the National Health Information Center: 1-800-336-4797

4. Buying your prescriptions on the internet is a proven way to bring down your health care spend. Buying by telephone might as well give you affordable prices. The internet reduces the cost of doing business and pharmaceutical companies or groups who sell their drugs online do so at cheaper rates. But if you've chosen to buy online try to find out a little about whom you are buying from because there are wolves online. Just go to BBB online and you will know if you should buy from an exact company.

Always remember that while we want to reduce costs we also want to avoid risks.

5. Electronic Funds Transfer, known as EFT is an easy way to reduce your premium. By doing this you authorize your insurance provider to automatically withdraw your payments from your account when due. This eliminates administrative overheads like those involved in sending payment notices. Your premium is therefore lowered in line with the cheaper cost of giving you insurance.

6. Visit a minimum of five quotes sites. Using a minimum of five quotes sites raise the chances that you'd receive cheaper health insurance quotes. This is because insurance companies not covered by one site will be represented by the other. Moreover, you know that because your chances of getting lower health insurance quotes has to do with the number of quotes you obtain, the more companies you obtain quotes from, the higher your chances will be. Requesting for your health insurance quotes online will help you save a bundle if you take out around 25 minutes to obtain quotes from at least five sites.

Here are great pages for health insurance quotes...

InsureMe Health Insurance Quotes

Health Insurance Quotes

Chimezirim Odimba writes on insurance.

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Cheaper Medical Insurance - Ideas To Help You Cut Down Costs

Cheaper medical Contrary to what you might have thought, it's quite easy to get a lower rate. The only things that stand between you and attracting a more affordable rate now are relevant information and a motivation to make use of the recommendations you get. Let's look at a few sure-fire ways to get better rates...

1. Ensure a healthy life style and you will get lower rates with time. If you can stop eating junk food you'll pay less over time. Removing fats, cholesterol and high carb from your diet will make it easier for you to retain the right weight, live a healthier life and, as a result, attract cheaper rates.

You will also help your health and rate by going on regular exercise.

2. For folks who have a longtime ailment that makes it hard or too expensive for them to enjoy private personal health insurance, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) insurance could offer a more affordable option.

3. Some persons are not poor enough to qualify for plans for low-income earner and also have financial challenges that make regular health insurance hard to pay for. In case this defines you, then you can reduce your budget for health care by going for a discount medical card. So what are they?

With these cards you are given medical attention from a network of health care professionals who have agreed to render services to card carriers at reduced rates. Such cards are not issued by insurance companies.

You can fall back to this option if you have a medical history that has made health insurance providers either reject you or give you a rate that is too high. One advantage of a discount medical card is that everybody can use it. Just make your monthly payments and you'll have access to a network of health care providers who will bill you lower for their services.

4. Your premiums may be tax-deductible if you're self employed. You may also be entitled to a tax break if your employer offers a flexible spending account. You can get details on this from your tax professional. This will help you know for sure what will entitle you to a tax break and what won't.

5. Don't become carried away by the lowest quote as you shop for low cost health insurance. You want a cheap rate that also offers you much value. If the cheapest price has all that is important to you, then go for it. But in situations where you don't find the right value in the cheapest rate, you'll be making the right choice if you pay more to ensure you truly have the quality of coverage that you really need.

Take note of this because a number of low quotes are that low because they don't offer much. A health insurance plan that compromises you does not make sense even if it's 500% less than the quote that offers you sufficient coverage.

6. You will save much if you only have between 25-30 minutes. Visit, obtain and compare health insurance quotes from selected quotes sites. The cheapest offer should be your choice easily. However, you have to look beyond just the lowest quote to the best price to value ratio. The cheapest may not be the best price/value for you as an individual.

Here are great pages for health insurance quotes...

InsureMe Health Insurance Quotes

Health Insurance Quotes

Chimezirim Odimba writes on insurance.

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Water Makes You Lose Weight - How Those Recommended 8 Glasses of Water Can Make You Slim and Healthy

We should all know by now how drinking water brings us priceless health benefits we don't get anywhere else.

It helps free our bodies from toxins and other harmful substances whilst maintaining our normal body temperature... BUT have you ever thought that drinking water makes you lose weight? Now that sure sounds new for many.

Nevertheless here's the pleasant truth: it's all true! Drinking the recommended 8 or more glasses of water makes you lose weight. And if you need some strong proof to believe that, then you'll be pleased to know that I'll be revealing the whys and wherefores.

HOWEVER, get this: it's true! Drinking lots of water makes you lose weight. And if that sounds unbelievable for you, then get ready as I'll be spilling out some juicy facts about how water makes you lose weight.

Check these out!

Water Makes You Lose Weight: Weight Loss Benefit 1

Fact 1: water greatly and positively affects our fat burning metabolism.

When it comes to converting and burning fats and calories into energy, the liver is the organ to deal with it. One more important duty the liver does is to fix the left over work by the kidneys...and for kidneys to function in a normal manner, they NEED lots of water.

If you're dehydrated, then your liver has to work twice as much to cover up for your kidneys... Which means not all of the carbohydrates and fats you consume are burned.

On the contrary, if your body is well-hydrated with water, your kidneys can function well and your liver can work at what it does best... That is to convert the fat in your system and turn it into empowering energy.

Water Makes You Lose Weight: Weight Loss Benefit 2

Back to the well-known truth that water cleanses your body.

With all the burgers, sodas, and other-not-so healthy, processed foods that we consume on a daily basis, those toxins in our bodies would surely amount to a good number of pounds by now. And what does that mean when they're flushed out of our bodies?

Weight loss and a healthier system!

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Weight Loss - How to Lose Weight Quickly After Pregnancy

It is a wonderful moment in the life of a woman when she discovers that she is going to be a mother. Mingled with feelings of excitement and anticipation, are twinges of doubt that the coming baby will mean a complete change in her appearance and lifestyle. Often women complain of weight increase after pregnancy which never tends to shed. This is untrue. Pregnancy weight can also be shed provided we take good care of ourselves. The maximum a woman should gain during pregnancy is 10-12kgs.

Crash diets are a big no after the birth of the baby because they will only deprive the body of the much-needed energy. Consulting a doctor on nutrition and exercise is a very good option and losing not more than 1kg weight a week. Breastfeeding gives a head start since it actually helps the mother lose weight and shrivel the uterus to its standard size. A combination of healthy eating and exercising should start immediately to feel the difference. Many mothers often take a break of about six months before they hit the exercise floor and in those six months enough damage is done. So it becomes even more important to start with at least brisk walking soon after the delivery.

The body goes through a significant amount of changes during pregnancy. Soon after the delivery the woman loses 6 kilos. If she is breastfeeding, she will get back to the normal weight more quickly because producing milk uses fat stores in the body and burns up lots of energy. It is important to allow the weight to reduce gradually. This process should happen naturally as long as extra kilos are not consumed. Heavy exercise should be avoided and options like walking, yoga can be incorporated in the lifestyle. Once the doctor gives a green signal exercises like running, aerobics can be inculcated.

The aim is to give the body around six months to get back into shape naturally before resorting to a restricted eating plan. The early days of motherhood are not a good time to diet. The body needs some additional energy and nutrients to meet the extra requirements of feeding and generally looking after the baby. Therefore diets are a strict no. food rich in nutrients and fiber can be added to the menu. Plenty of water should be consumed and avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast. We should have balanced meals without too much fat or sugar.

Getting a flat stomach involves toning up of the stomach muscles and skin as they become inflated and stretched during pregnancy. A few toning exercises will help the stomach firm again. Before giving your stomach muscles an exercises, we must make sure that any physical damage as a result of giving birth has healed and is back to normal again. Consulting the doctor is advised to find out what is best for the body and when to start.

During pregnancy and during the act of giving birth, important demands are made on the muscles that make up the "pelvic floor". Relaxation of these muscles is very important. Pelvic floor exercises help the muscles to tone up quickly. Some may experience poor bowel habits also. This can be resolved by eating a fiber-rich diet, drinking plenty of fluids and some exercises like walking.

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Losing Stubborn Belly Fat

I don't know about you, but off all the fat that we carry around on our bodies, belly fat is the most frustrating and also the hardest to get rid of. Carrying extra weight around on your midsection can also have adverse effects on your health, so it is very important for you to try and eliminate excess stomach fat- not just for the sake of your appearance, but also your health.

Unfortunately, because of the way the body is designed, you can't lose fat from only one part of the body at a time. Instead, you will have to focus on lowering your body fat percentage as a whole, before you will start losing stubborn belly fat.

Let us look at a few ways you can start lowering your body fat percentage, so you can be closer to the flat stomach you want.

One of the quickest way for you to be losing stubborn belly fat is to build muscle. "How so," you might ask? For every half pound of muscle you gain, you burn much more fat automatically, because the muscle uses energy to move and function. Basically, it takes much more energy for your body to maintain a muscle that fat. So the more lean muscle you have, the more calories you will burn, even while sitting around watching tv or even sleeping.

You will have to also focus on exercising the big muscles in the body to burn more fat. Apart from that, you will also have to eat better in order for you to start losing stubborn belly fat. A big mistake people make is to eat too little, which only slows the metabolism down further, making it harder for you to lose weight.

If you follow the right approach to eating and exercising, losing stubborn belly fat is much more easy than the way you have been trying to do it over the years.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lose Weight Quickly - A Quicker Way to Lose Fat

Losing weight can be a difficult task if we do not follow some basic rules. All of us desire to lose fat in a quicker way. People often fall a prey of the myth that fast weight loss causes harm and side effects. This is not true. If we truly enjoy what we are doing to lose weight and if we know what are the exact methods that work, losing weight fast should not be a problem.

Detoxifying is a very important step if we want to lose weight in just a few days. Hydration is important in cleansing our body. Drinking plenty of water keeps the body hydrated. In addition, fiber supplements and body wraps are great ways to get rid of our body toxins. These items in combination will promote healthy bodily function, and will make weight loss goals in just a few days a reality. Water helps to wash away toxins from our body. Although they are not directly linked to weight loss, the toxins are washed away by drinking enough water so that we can run an extra mile on the treadmill.

Protein helps in developing muscles and they are less likely to be turned into fat compared to carbohydrates. Muscles consume a lot of energy and indirectly increase metabolism rate. Therefore, protein will definitely help in losing weight quickly. Monitoring everything we eat and carrying the calorie card around is kind of paranoid. We can keep a track on what we consume and have a fair idea as to how much of calories we consume.

There is one and only one way of losing fat the easy way, and that is with the combination of a balanced and nutritive diet, aerobic activity, and strengthening exercises for abdominal and other muscles. The best workout to burn the layers of abdominal fat along with overall fat comprises a cardiovascular or aerobic exercise like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, swimming or stair climbing, combined with abdominal exercises like crunches and hip lifts, and also weight training for other muscle groups. Weight training increases lean muscle mass and hence the metabolic rate, implying that we burn fatter even while resting.

Eating fruits and vegetables in their raw form also helps in cutting calories. Since the body does not get enough fat from these foods it uses stored fat from the body thus fastening the slimming process. But all kinds of fats are not bad. Nuts and cooking oil contain healthy fats. These are essential for the body and for the skin to remain soft and supple. Using a moderate amount of oil in cooking will not add to our calories and contain vitamins essential for the body.

Some sessions of intense cardio can also be helpful. This form of exercise includes rigorous exercise and we tend to burn fat more in this form of activity. Fast activities bring along joy, we do not get bored easily and it helps us to de-stress. These days with new forms of exercises being introduced everyday working out hasn't been more fun. Dance is a form which is a very popular option with the young and the old. Any kind of dance is an excellent exercise and is not boring also. Kick-boxing, aqua aerobics are also interesting forms to workout and have fun.

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Quick and Easy Way to Lose 3 Pounds!

WANTED: Quick and easy way to lose 3 pounds. I'm going to show you how to BYPASS the typical weight loss garbage you're use to hearing. People try to make weight loss look complicated. It's not.

Quick and Easy Way to Lose 3 Pound...

Lose water weight by tricking your body.

This is the first and probably the easiest way to lose 3 pounds. You're carrying around too much water weight. How do I know this? Because most overweight people are. How much water weight are you retaining? Most likely, plenty more than 3 pounds. Probably closer to 8 pounds.

How do you get rid of this retained water?

It's a paradox, but you drink MORE water. The reasoning as to why... long ago our ancestors had problems finding water to drink. It was scarce. The people that survived had superior bodily survival instincts. What that means... the people that survived were the ones who retained the most water.

That was good then, BUT NOW IT'S BAD since we don't have a scarce water problem.

So by drinking more water, you signal to your body that water isn't scarce and the body doesn't need to carry the extra water. Simple enough, yeah? So all you have to do is drink more water. How much more? I don't know exactly but I can tell you to watch the color of your urine. Drink more and more water until your urine is almost perfectly clear (like water).

The more clear and less yellow it is, the better. Don't start paying attention to the color of your urine until at least 3 hours after you've woken up since the first time you pee in the morning the urine tends to be more yellow due to not drinking any water while you slept.

Try this quick and easy way to lose 3 pounds if you're in desperate need to get that scale moving downwards!

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Powerful Ways to Lose Weight Quick

Here are some easy ways to lose weight quick (within a week) that require minimum effort from you. The truth is, there are a lot of ways to lose weight. No one way is best for all of us. Regardless, I'm going to share with you some TRICKS on how you can accelerate weight loss no matter how you are going about it.

Ways to Lose Weight Quick

1. Dissolve fat cells with just your hand

This is a cool trick that only takes a few minutes a day to do. The best part is you can do it while lying in bed. So it's perfect to do right when you wake up in the morning for a minute or 2... OR do it right before you go to sleep at night.

Rub your hands vigorously together. Reasoning... you want heat... and this creates kinetic heat. This will take nothing more than 15 seconds of your time.

After that, rub circles on your belly fat for 45 seconds with 1 of your hands.

Why this works... the heat basically "KNOCKS OUT" the fat cells. Heat and fat don't go together too well. Think saunas (although that has more to do with losing water weight).

Regardless, the heat gets into the fat cells of your belly and causes havoc with them... helping to dissolve them over time when you repeatedly do this.

NOTE: Make sure you hand is touching the skin and not doing the belly rubs over a shirt or whatever.

2. Take 50 deep breaths everyday

Why does this help with weight loss? Because you are sucking in a ton more oxygen into your body. Oxygen, if you didn't know, is a catalyst for burning off fat. The more oxygen you get, the more fat gets burned off (generally speaking).

Obviously this is a simple thing to do... taking deep breaths. Do them whenever and wherever. You don't really need to count out and make sure you do 50 deep breaths, just try to keep a mental tally. A great time to do deep breathing is during TV commercials.

You could easily get 10 deep breaths done in 1 commercial break. So within 30 minutes of watching TV, you'll have finished up the deep breathing... WHILE WATCHING TV. It's as simple as that.

These are 2 powerful and unique ways to lose weight quick.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lose Weight 2 Weeks! 5 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast And Lose Belly Fat at the Same Time!

Looking for healthy ways to lose weight in 2 weeks? Here are 5 of the best and easy ways to lose belly fat fast, and more importantly keep the weight off -

Lose Weight 2 Weeks Program

1. Have an eating plan to lose weight in 2 weeks and longer - Plan and your healthy meals in advance. You will then be more likely to avoid the spur of the moment fast food temptation. At least you know what you are putting into your mouth. Set aside 1 hour, say Sunday and plan your weekly meals. Saves time, saves money and saves the hassle out of your busy schedule. So make the time now to get rid of belly fat!

2. If you really want to with a Lose Weight 2 Weeks, WATCH WHAT you cook - prepare meals with low fat food products. Remember the basic food groups and try to balance your meals. Your body still needs a bit of everything to be healthy. So get your veggies, lean meat, fish and fruits into your eating plan - and drink plenty of water.

3. One of the easy ways to lose belly fat is to LEAVE food on your plate, especially at a restaurant. The servings are huge and loaded with fat. That's why it tastes so good (but not good for you in large quantities). You eating your food or not does not impact people starving in Ethiopia. If you really care about them, stop eating out and send a little money each month to your favorite charity. This is one of the ways to lose weight fast!

4. It is healthy for everyone to follow a high fiber diet, aiming for two to three cups of vegetables per day and two pieces of fruit (preferably with the skin on). Switching to a diet high in fiber doesn't mean you have to add more carbohydrates to your daily menu, it simply means you need to eat high fiber carbs (those with more than 3g of fiber per serve). Choose from broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, zucchini, tomato, mung beans, leeks, green beans, capsicum, onions and others.

5. There is another method of exercising that you should do along with cardio in your 'LOSE WEIGHT 2 WEEKS' program, which will substantially increase your results. This method is to start weight training. Many people do not understand the value and relevance of weight training when it comes to losing weight. When you are weight training, your metabolism gets a huge boost. Not only does it burn calories while you are training, it continues to burn calories for many hours after you have stopped training.

If you really want to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks And Lose Your Belly Fat ... Firstly, visit ==> And Download $97 of F-R-E-E Fat Slashing Reports And a 6 Day eCourse.

Secondly, with the F-R-E-E REPORTS, you WON'T starve, waste hours at the gym ever, or basically do anything that will take too much time away from you work or family.

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Top Weight Loss Diet - "PROTEINOPIA"

So what is the top weight loss diet? Well, it's "PROTEINOPIA"... duh. You say you've never heard of it before? Well, here's your first glimpse of it. You might want to remain seated as you read this... you're in for a delicious surprise.

Top Weight Loss Diet - The ProteinOpia Method

First the name. I call it PROTEINOPIA because this diet is based around protein. The bulk of your diet is protein. So it's like a protein UTOPIA.

Know this: Protein has natural metabolism-boosting properties. This basically means you burn more calories while doing nothing. One other key component about protein... when taken with carbs, it helps block the immediate absorption of simple sugars into your bloodstream. This prevents spikes in your blood sugar.

So back to this high protein diet.

What I want you to do is have 6 small meals a day. This is easy because 3 of the "meals" will be protein shakes. So now you're down to 3 meals with food.

For breakfast, focus the meal around eggs. Some black beans on the side will add even more protein as well as much needed fiber.

For lunch, focus the meal around chicken, tuna, salmon, or turkey. A good idea is to put one of those on a bed of lettuce and treat it like a salad.

For dinner, focus the meal around a lean red meat. You can have 1-2 vegetables on the side.... NOT including potatoes.

Here's the key thing I want you to remember regardless of if you're having a protein shake or food... make sure you have at least 20 grams of protein in any meal you have.

These are just general parameters to think about. Use your common-sense and base meals off these ideals. There is plenty of flexibility built into this. If you're looking for quick weight loss, try this top weight loss diet out and see for yourself why high protein diets such as these are used by many dieters.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Putting Together a Fitness Workout Program

The effect of fitness workout program to weight loss endeavor is dual facet. On one hand, it can help you to overcome the plateau effect of dieting, as the body usually adapts to the lower calorie intake by lowering its consumption and therefore makes dieting less effective. On the other hand, fitness program along can help you lose extra body fat the natural way.

Obviously, a fitness program that works for one person may not work for another. Not everyone has the same build and health condition, so you need to first check out your fitness level. You can consult your doctor for a recommendation on the type of exercise that best suit you as well as some warnings against possible injuries. In case you do not have any special medical conditions, you may also consult a fitness coach in the gym or simply purchase a reputable fitness program and follow through. Either way, you need to gather ideas and put up a custom exercise plan that is both safe and effective for you.

So, what makes a good workout plan?

1. Your plan has to be realistic so that you can stick with it for a long term. There is no point in exercising your butt off if you are only going to do it for a few weeks - you will eventually gain all the weight back and more this way.

2. A good exercise plan should be progressive. Keep a record of what you did in each workout and how your body reacted to the training, and try to improve upon the structure. You may also like to take down every little achievements you have made and keep yourself motivated all the time.

3. A good fitness program should consist of varied forms of exercises to maintain your top interest level. For example, you can start each workout by doing a 30-minute cardio-exercise, such as walking, jogging, running, cycling and aerobics. This will warm up your body for more intense physical activities. You may then spend another 30 minutes with strength training, such as weight lifting, crunches, sit-ups, etc. When you finish, you can cool down yourself with some stretches or de-stressing exercises. According to fitness experts, this type of exercise can give you enormous benefits both physically and emotionally.

Aside from fitness workout program itself, there are are a few other things you can do to maximize results. For instance, you can try to find an exercise buddy so that you can encourage each other and have more fun with the exercise. You may also get creative and come up with variations of your version of exercises and rotate amongst them to keep your highest interest level.

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Three Obstacles to Weight Loss and How to Deal With Them

The theory behind losing weight is actually not that difficult. The problem is, many people aren't able to keep the weight off long term. Here are some things that can ruin a diet plan, and how you can deal with them.

1. Watch For Hidden calories

You've followed your diet plan, you've counted calories, and you've weighed yourself on a daily basis, but the weight is not coming off. Why not?

You could be overlooking some foods that are loaded with calories, such as butter, cooking oils, sugar and salad dressing. This adds up fast!

I remember my great grandmother told me that she got up 250 pounds when she worked in a hospital kitchen. She said she didn't eat huge meals, but she would nibble at food all day long.

Make sure to measure all of your foods

2. Don't Have a Mentality of "All or Nothing"

It can be a pain to track all the calories you consume, and it is very tempting to eventually just throw in the towel. Perhaps you couldn't help but splurge on a pizza or something, or maybe you forgot to track your caloric intake for a day or two. Don't give up!

Be sure to take a long term view of things. If you slack off on one day, cut back the next day, or exercise harder. Don't make this a habit, but don't beat yourself up either.

3. Don't Get Overconfident

Sometimes you face the biggest challenge when things are going well. Why? Because you start to think that you can go back to your old lifestyle and not suffer any consequences. The problem is, bad habits will eventually creep back in, and before you know it, you'll be back to your old weight (and pants size). Stay focused!

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Quickest Way To Lose Fat

There are not hundred ways to lose fat. Only a few methods really work. Here is the quickest way to lose fat, the most popular, and the most efficient of them all.

fat loss 4 Idiots

With this weight loss plan, you can lose weight in less than 2 weeks. Losing 9 pounds in 11 days is what this diet can help you achieve.

But why fat loss 4 Idiots, and not another one?

Simple, other diet plans do not use the shifting calories method. While other diet plans concentrate on eating less by starving, this one rather focus on eating normally, yet eating different kind of food and constantly switching them. Doing so, your body stays in a burning state, where your metabolism keep burning and burning calories instead of storing them.

This method has being around for a time, and although underground, it has become so popular around the globe. It has helped thousands and is winning ground day after day.

The reason why it is considered the quickest way to lose fat, is mainly because it is so easy to stay on and follow. The name is justly appropriated, even idiots can use it for it is so simple.

The diet plan generates a diet menu based on food that you like most. So you get to eat food that you enjoy and not those pre-packed foods you have to buy at an expensive price. Also, you probably figured it out, the food you like and choose is purchase by you, in you grocery store. So it does not cost you an arm and a leg.

It is so unlikely for anyone to cheat on a diet where they get to eat what they like. And even if one would, this weight loss plan has it covered (you simply can cheat on this diet plan).

And with all this, 9lbs in 11 days in absolutely achievable.

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You Can Not Lose Weight? Here Is The Secret To Lose Weight

Are you feeling you have endlessly tried to lose that belly, but it seems you can not lose weight at all. You have tried numerous diet plans, relying on starvation, and either have not lost anything or gain everything back. Well do not worry, you are normal and there is nothing wrong with your body at all.

The reason you have not lost a pound is because you have not found the right diet plan. Actually only a few one of them really works.

Most of the diet plan that are on the market are ineffective. Why? Because of course the weight loss industry ultimate goal is to make money. In fact, they do not really care whether you succeed or not. And even with their ridiculous starving system, they could not care less whether the dieter lives or dies.

You should avoid diet plan that lower your feeding by suggesting you to eat one meal a day. Those kind of diet are probably the worst of all. Yes you will lose weight, but only for a time.

Because you body is getting less calories due to the reduction of meals, your body is entering a natural survival mode. Meaning that your body will stop burning calories and save every ounce it will be able to get. So instead of losing weight you will end up gaining it back.

Even worst, your body, not to sure whether or not things are finally back to normal, will keep on storing calories even after you are done with the diet. So in the end, you end up with more weight than when you started the diet. Ironic, is it not?

So if one can not lose weight using those methods, how can he?

Well believe it or not, there is a secret to weight loss. And that secret is one that weight loss companies are trying to denied, because it is seriously the one working way to lose fat.

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The Best Way To Lose Body Fat - Choose The Ultimate Way To Lose Body Fat

You are fat, you know it and have accepted it, and now you want to lose weight. Well, first off, congratulation. You have made the first steps on your way to weight loss. Next step is for you to know, what is the best way to lose body fat.

There is hundred of weight loss on the Internet, claiming you will lose weight quickly. But most of them are fakes. Fakes in the way that they do not work on making you lose weight at all, or fake in the way that the weight loss you might get from it is far from being permanent.

So basically, the best way to lose body fat is to actually have a diet plan that will not only help you lose weight, but also help you maintain your weight and prevent any gain back.

Now the question is... is there such a diet plan?

Answer, yes there is!

A diet plan that will help you lose weight trough a redefine method. One that will allow you to eat, and not starve like most of the diets out there. One that is easy to stay on, since it lets you choose your favorite food to create an easy menu to follow.

This ultimate way to lose body fat, has helped thousands since it came out, and is keeping on doing so. With it, you can lose up to 9 pounds in the first 11 days. 9lbs in 11 day! Even the ones using it are still thinking it is unbelievable to finally see results.

The ultimate way to lose body weight is a corner away from you. You have made the hardest steps, from this point on you can have the most reliable help there is.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ingredients of Weight Loss Food

Weight loss food is basically the collective name given to diet supplements and medication designed to help us reduce the excess fat stored in our bodies. There are a good many ingredients which are out there and can be used to make these supplements and pills, but since some ingredients gain more fame than others, the overall market tends to show a general usage of the about the same ingredients in different proportions.

The common ingredients found in weight loss food are;


This is available in the form Chromium Picolinate. Research on this compound has produced conflicting results - but all in all it can't be said that Chromium is sure to do wonders for your weight. Chromium is naturally found in white sugar, and if the human body is deficient in chromium, it will actually crave more white sugar to fill the deficiency. Chromium is also needed to help in the digestion of white sugar. So a cycle starts in which the individual keeps increasing sugar in-take. Taking a chromium supplement helps lower this craving, and consequently lowers white-sugar intake. This is also how chromium reduces the body's insulin level. This is about all in how it helps to reduce weight.


Ephedra or ephedrine is the extract of a Chinese plant Ma Huang. It has been banned by the FDA and NCCA due to a high rate of serious of side-effects and ephedra-related deaths. When Ephedra is combined with caffeine, called EC, research has shown that weight loss has occurred as it increases the body's thermo genesis. However the side effects present a great risk such as possibility of heart attack or stroke. Ephedra or ephedrine has been banned in the USA, so be careful and consult your physician if your weight loss product contains Ephedra or Ma Huang in some minor quantities.

Synephrine / Citrus Aurantium / Bitter Orange/Zi Shi:

Synephrine is found in Citrus Aurantium and is being used as a supplement to ephedrine, as the latter has been declared illegal. Combined with caffeine, it has been shown to produce results similar to those of ephedrine. If your weight loss pills or supplements contain this compound, its better you consult with your physician on how you should be taking them.


Tyrosine is an amino acid that acts as a mild stimulant. It is found in casein. It is a non-essential amino acid that helps in the synthesis of protein. The possibility of weight loss through the use of tyrosine is present only if it is combined with other ingredients. Pure tyrosine has shown no direct impact on weight loss.


DHEA is a hormone produced in the adrenal glands of the human body. Now-a-days it is being marketed as a general health tonic, some sort of 'wonder drug'. In the human body, it works as a back-up sex hormone. In men it may convert to testosterone in case the body needs it to, for women it may take the form of estrogen. DHEA levels in the human body are lower during the early years of a human being, rise with age till mid 20s r so, then start declining. There is really no proof that it helps in weight loss. Doctors, researchers and specialists still know very little about it and as far as using it is

concerned, it is advisable to do so under the supervision of a physician.

Green Tea:

Green tea Extract is found in a lot of weight loss medication. It is particularly a herbal ingredient. The potency of green tea extract depends on the quality of the extract, but nonetheless, green tea extract, taken moderately, has proven to help in loosing weight. Just don't over do it.


This is manufactured from 'chitin' the structural element found in crabs, shrimps etc. it is widely claimed to attach itself to the fat in food that enters our body and prevent it from absorbing in the body. Critics argue that this insulation may also cause the body to loose out on much needed nutrients. There's a lot of ambiguity and very little research surrounding chitosan.

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Guidelines to Weight Loss Camp

Weight is the most common issue and it is gaining a lot more popularity in the recent times. Weight related problems like over weight or obesity is the root cause for many kinds of ailments. Diseases like thyroid, diabetes, high blood pressure, rise in the cholesterol level, mental problems like depression, anxiety, hyper tension and many other disorders occur in a person's life who is over weight or who is obese. Therefore, a person needs to reduce weight to combat and prevent all such diseases that would prove to be fatal, if not checked at the earliest. So, a person needs to adopt a healthy and fit lifestyle, in order to lose weight and all the extra fat from the body.

There are many ways by which a person can lose weight and reduce the unwanted fat. These proper ways and methods are, healthy eating, proper exercising and taking a good sleep. If these three are followed by a person, then he or she can lose weight and feel better. Weight gain is a slow and gradual process, which keeps on increasing with the passage of time and age, if not controlled at the earliest. A diet plan should be created, that would have a balanced diet, including all the food groups, from proteins, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals, nutrients, fat to water, in the right proportion and quantity.

Exercising and doing work outs is another important factor that is required to be applied and followed in one's life, for the proper process of weight loss or weight reduction. Walking is the best exercise to lose weight, especially, brisk walking for at least 30 minutes everyday, because fat is burnt slowly and it takes time too and therefore, walking briskly would prove to be effective in the fat burning process. Doing other exercises is also important, like jogging or running, jumping the rope, joining and taking part in various sport and other activities like swimming, playing soccer, basket ball or by joining various dance and aerobic classes.

But, the best and effective way to lose weight and at the same time have fun is by joining some weight loss camps. Before, joining any weight loss camps, a person should acquire all the necessary details and information, whether the weight loss camp is certified or properly inspected or not, whether the trainers are certified professionals or not, whether the camp has all the basic weight loss instructions and proper programs or not. All these information must be found and kept in mind before, joining any weight loss camps. It would be more effective if the weight loss camp is closer to a person's area or if it is within easy reach. Keeping all these details in mind, then only a person should join a weight loss camp.

A person should also see to it that the weight loss camp has a gym, a health clinic, with a proper certified doctors, dietitians and physicians, professional trainers who would take proper and individual care and attention of the clients. Keep all these guidelines and points in mind, a person should join the various weight loss camps, so as to lose the weight and stimulate the procedure of weight loss.

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Best Health Products Buying Guide

Health products are the rave these days. They are advertised all over the internet, newspapers, TV, magazines, they're everywhere!

So I thought to do some reading about these 'health products'. We generally associate health product with loosing weight. Food supplements, diet pills and energy drinks or at the most multi-vitamin tablets are what health products mean to the average consumer. But there also herbal products, made of more natural substances, which have now entered the marketing and are claiming attention. These don't, if genuine, claim to work miracles on your body within 24 hours. Herbal remedies like cumin-seed tea are also effective if taken according to instructions. The point of a health product is to regulate your metabolism and homeostasis that is allowing fat build-up in your body. For example the linings of your stomach may have lost its ability to absorb nutrients fully. But how do we know that the health product we are buying is really healthy? Here are a few tell-tale signs and pits to avoid:

1. Don't buy everything you see on TV: even the best chemically tested medicines contain literature which warns of side effects. Some people develop allergy to aspirin. So how is safe to order health medicine you've never heard about before, right of a TV or internet advertisement.

2. Listen to your intuition: If it claims to do unnatural things like 'reduce 50kg in 24 hours', you're in for a scam. If you're lucky, it won't do anything to you. At the most, just to make a few extra sales, the medicine may cause sudden weight-loss with subsequent complications later. The medicine may end up concentrating on a certain body part, thereby, causing disproportion in your figure. Another undesirable scenario maybe the loss of weight due to loss of muscle mass or body water, both very dangerous for your health.

3. Check with the FDA (Federal Drug Authority, USA): check the FDA's official website for a list of approved Health Products. There may be a delay in the approval of some excellent product by the FDA, but this is due to their meticulous checking procedure. But better safe than sorry. The products approved by them, on the other hand, are safe to use. Also, I highly recommend you read this article on health Product fraud, assembled by the FDA.

4. Consult a Doctor: if it's a good product, your dietician or physician should have an idea about it. Or more simply they may be able to recommend one. Best to ask them, rather risk your health to hear-say.

While taking Health Products, be careful;

1. Try herbal: if you have a medical of having allergic reaction to medicines, try herbal health products. But even these with the consultation of your dietician. And remember doesn't mean there are bits of leaves and sunflower seeds in it. There are still chemical reactions involved, just less so, with more concentration on creating harmonious mixtures.

2. Don't shy away from exercise: don't expect to burn fat, unless you actually set it on fire:. The best health product can't substitute the walk in the morning or jog in the evening. Don't just become dependant on medicine to do the trick for you. On its own. Hit the tread-mill. Like Mr. T said 'no pain, no gain'.

3. Don't challenge your health product to a duel: just because the medicine is helping to digest all the fats you normally take in, don't go nuclear on it, by increasing the fat in-take.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weight loss and lower GI

A recent, human clinical trial shows a weight-management solution considerably reduces postprandial glycemia in a dose-dependent manner and resulted in a lower glycemic index (GI). Prolibra[R] weight-management solution, from Glanbia Nutritionals, was given to participants, who experienced a statistically significant reduction of up to 37.8 GI units when Prolibra was added to a liquid meal consisting of 50g of glucose.A recent, human clinical trial shows a weight-management solution considerably reduces postprandial glycemia in a dose-dependent manner and resulted in a lower glycemic index (GI). Prolibra[R] weight-management solution, from Glanbia Nutritionals, was given to participants, who experienced a statistically significant reduction of up to 37.8 GI units when Prolibra was added to a liquid meal consisting of 50g of glucose.

The research, conducted by Glycemic Index Laboratories, has implications for companies looking to introduce healthy weight-management products that feature science-based GI-reduction claims. Glanbia Nutritionals Inc.,

Cashing in on weight loss

You could visualize yourself fitting into a dress two sizes smaller, but one of the best get-slim motivators may be cold, hard cash, according to a study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Employees who were promised $14 for every 1 percent drop in body weight shed about a third more pounds than those who received just $7 and more than double those not given any cash.

"You can duplicate this success by creating your own financial reward system," says Eric Finkelstein, lead researcher and author of The Fattening of America. Start a weight-loss pool at work or among your friends; the biggest loser after a set period takes the largest percentage of the pot, while those who drop fewer pounds collect less.


SLIMMERS across Ireland have lost an incredible 333,690Ibs to get to their ideal weight using the popular WeightWatchers programme.

That's the equivalent of 22 fully-grown elephants, 166,885 bags of sugar or 55,615 heavy house bricks.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Another 47,000 people are also shedding thousands of pounds in their bid to beat the battle of the bulge.

The ever-popular weight loss regime will celebrate 30 years on the go in Ireland next year and the Irish franchise is now THE most successful in the world.

At present there are 55,000 members on both sides of the border with 7, 945 people having reached their perfect weight and become Gold members.

The regime is perhaps the only which can boast it is one hundred per cent natural and doesn't use pills, gimmicks or surgery to help people lose weight.

Margaret Burke from Weight Watchers Ireland says Irish people have now finally copped on that there is no easy way to shape up.

But she insisted Weight Watchers has already proven itself to be a safe and tested way to beat the flab for thousands of people across the country.

"There is no question that it works - it has been proven time and time again.

"If people stick to 80 per cent of the regime 80 per cent of the time then they will see weight loss.

"If people don't see results then it means that they think they're doing it right but they aren't because they aren't ready for it," she said.

The Weight Watchers routine is a simple but proven one.

Every type of food from an apple to a Mars Bar to a piece of meat is allocated a certain number of points. Depending on the sex, weight, age and height of a person, they are allowed to eat a certain amount of points each day.

A 14 stone man aged around 35 for example is allowed 28 points worth of food each day.

People can also earn themselves bonus points by exercising throughout the day which means they can eat more food.

And the programme is no longer confined just to women.

Margaret revealed Irishmen are no longer afraid to admit they have a problem and are coming to Weight Watchers classes in their droves.

Indeed of the 1,000 classes which take places across Ireland each week, 50 of those are Men Only classes.

"At the start Weight Watchers was mainly confined to women because it was mostly women who dieted.

"Men didn't want to be seen to be dieting and definitely wouldn't have admitted in public that they were dieting.

"That has all changed now and losing weight has more to do with health now than how people actual look.

"Our men-only classes are hugely popular and members are providing great support for each other.

"There's no longer any kind of stigma attached to men joining Weight Watchers because the results speak for themselves," Margaret added.

And a new aspect of the Weight Watchers programme is the increasing number of couples and families coming along.

"That is certainly the new thing that I've noticed. Couples are encouraging each other and doing it together which is great.

"Families are also coming together because they want to get in shape for a big family function like a wedding or something.

"It's great to see and we've already had a number of couples and families reaching their target weights which is just great to see," she said.


SINCE joining Weight Watchers Trevor O'Reilly is half the man he used to be - literally.

The Dubliner went from a huge 37 stone to just 16 stone after he couldn't get a football jersey to fit him.

Trevor from Swords, who is 6ft 5in always had to buy his clothes over the internet from a store in Wales but not even they did his favourite football team shirts.

He'd heard about Weight Watchers but thought it was just for women.

"I always had the impression that Weight Watchers was for 'aul ones' who sat around yapping and then had a cup of tea afterwards," he said.

But he gave it a go and after losing 10 pounds in weight after the first week, he hasn't looked back.

Trevor said that most people simply don't know enough about the food they are eating.

"I used to eat silly things; I'd have two chocolate filled pastries for breakfast and then think I was great because I wasn't having a fry," he said.

He has changed his whole attitude to food and instead of reaching for another chocolate bar, he knows he can have a huge meal instead.

Trevor said he was never short of confidence even when he was hugely overweight but finds it easier to chat up women in bars these days!

"My friends laugh now and call me a Casanova if they see me talking to a girl in the pub, because I never used to do it before - it just didn't seem practical somehow; a 37 stone man chatting up a model-type at the bar, but it's not a problem now," he laughs.

"A while ago, I got an e-mail from the shop in Wales asking why I had stopped buying there - it gave me great satisfaction to mail back telling them why," he added.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Are Fad Diets Bad? - Find Out the Truth

Just browse any health magazine and you will likely find several new fad diets promising instant results. Many of the claims and testimonials contain some information that make sense, but on the whole the messages are geared toward creating a marketing ploy.

You may find many variations of claim in fad diet but the main message is always about fast or instant results. For instance, there is the 3-day diet that touts eating little more than fruits for three days, followed by vegetables, grains or meat for other days.

It is true that eating fruits on a regular basis is one of the key ingredients for good health as fruits will give you the needed carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. However, eating fruits solely can lean to imbalance of carbohydrates, fiber and other healthy components.

Similarly, the 'low carb, high protein' diets, such as Atkins that focus on cutting down carbohydrates drastically and eating substantial amounts of high protein foods can have negative effects on our vital organs such as the heart and the kidneys due to high levels consumption of protein and fat. Both protein and carbohydrates are essential to proper nutrition, putting too much emphasis on one over the other may lead to rapid, but temporary weight loss.

Additionally, carbohydrates are the essential molecules that not only give you energy, but are an integral part of many biological processes. They are the building blocks of life and enable biological processes to take place. Alhough our body can use other sources such as fat and protein for energy, however, too much protein reduces the ability of the body to store and regulate the appropriate amount of water.

Further on, there are 'chocolate diets'. It sounds very yummy and attractive as most people love to eat chocolate. Well, there are studies that claim chocolate is healthy if consumed in moderation; chocolate (especially dark chocolate) contains anti-oxidants and other compounds that can be beneficial to our body. However, too much of a good thing can become harmful to our body as well. Unfortunately, chocolate usually have lots of fat and sugar that may add extra calories in you.

Any diet that claims or promises fast results should be taken with a grain of salt. Apply some common sense and skepticism when you come across any fad diet that has outrageous claims. Radical approach to weight loss may prove to be harmful than helpful. A true healthy weight loss consists of eating a balanced diet and regular exercise; it is a process that requires some time and efforts on your part.

A balanced diet consists of moderate portions of fruits and vegetables (for carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber), grains (for carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber), protein (for amino acids) and dairy products (for calcium, unless you're lactose intolerant). An average 2,000-2,500 calories per day is perhaps a good measurement for an average person. This is just a rough guide, to calculate more accurately how many calories you will need each day, use the calorie calculator.

How to Get Rid of Flab Fast!

Here's how to get rid of flab fast. Once and for all, you will be able to eliminate fat from your belly, butt, thighs, and hips without crazy diets, long boring workouts, or expensive weight loss pills. Read this now for the most up-to-date weight loss information and tricks.

How to Get Rid of Flab

1. Just eat these 2 foods everyday... black beans and apples

I'm not trying to change your diet here. Just add those to your already existing diet... whatever that is. Add 1 can of black beans and 2 apples. I prefer you eat 1/2 can of black beans in the morning with breakfast and another 1/2 can at dinner. Eat the an apple for 2 different snacks during the day.

The reasons for these 2 foods helping you to lose flab is because of their fiber. Fiber is the #1 missing ingredient in most overweight peoples' diets. 1 can of black beans has 25 grams of fiber and 2 apples have 10 grams. This is more than enough fiber for you.

This will sweep out your digestive system. That alone will cause you to lose weight. But it will also make your digestion a ton more efficient which adds to major fat loss with relative ease.

2. Go past diet and exercise, target your hormone imbalance through spinning in a circle

The problem most people have with weight loss is that they have a limited view on how to go about it. Diet, exercise, and or supplements.

The problem is you're missing a huge factor by neglecting your hormones. In a lot of cases, they're the #1 factor regarding weight loss for you.

A simple and unusual way to go about balancing your hormones and unleashing "natural weight loss" is spinning around in a circle... much like what kids do. Just doing it once isn't enough. You have to spin around multiple times each day... and do this day after day.

This shouldn't be hard because it only takes 10 seconds or so to spin around 5-15 times or so. You want to be careful going past 15 spins at one time. One key tip... be sure that you get just slightly dizzy when finishing a set of spins. Anything more is overkill and unnecessary.

Try these little known ways on how to get rid of flab fast if you don't want to torture yourself through boring diets and time-wasting exercise.

High Protein Low Carb Diets - What You Should Know

High protein low carbohydrate diets will help you to lose weight. This form of diet has become very popular within the past ten years. I can vouch for this form of dieting, because I lost a lot of weight eating high protein and low carbohydrate foods. However, I must warn you that drinking lots of water when following a high protein diet is crucial. Not drinking adequate water while taking in large amounts of protein could do damage to your kidneys. A popular diet that follows the high protein low carbohydrate model is the Atkins diet.

The South Beach Diet is another diet that uses the philosophy of high protein and low carbohydrates, but with a different spin to it. According to the South Beach Diet, you eat high proteins for a limited time until you lose the first ten pounds. Once you lose the first ten pounds you then move on to eating good carbohydrates. I think this diet is much better than the Atkins diet, because it also incorporates good carbohydrates.

Eating high proteins and low carbohydrates will definitely help you to lose weight, but after you lose the weight, you should go back to eating a more balanced diet. Eating a high protein diet tend to trick the body into burning stored fat before burning carbohydrates. The body does not like to burn stored fat, it prefers to burn carbohydrates. Therefore, lessening the amount of carbohydrates you eat will force the body to use its fat stores for energy. This is why people who follow the Atkins diet and other high protein diets lose a lot weight quickly.

Remember, high protein diets are to be used for long periods. Lose the weight you need to lose then go back to eating a good balanced diet. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts are a necessity for good overall health.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Freshman 15 - Use These Easy Steps to Avoid College Weight Gain!

The "freshman 15" is the term used to describe the extra weight that is often gained by students going off to college for the first time. For many of these students, it is the very first time they have lived away from home and experienced so much freedom. Emotional eating, late night eating, cafeteria food, drinking, and lack of exercise all combine to create that perfect environment for packing on the pounds!

While this happens more often than not, being aware of the possibility is the first line of defense. There are easy steps that all students can take to avoid the dreaded "freshman 15!" Following these simple tips can even help you finish your first year of college healthier than when you began. We'll discuss a few of these steps here.

The first important step to avoiding college weight gain is to never skip breakfast! Breakfast wakes up your metabolism and gets it ready to function for the day. If walking to the cafeteria each morning for a nutritious breakfast isn't realistic, then keep healthy breakfast options in your room for a quick grab and go.

The next step in avoiding the "freshman 15" is to make healthy food choices 90% of the time. College cafeterias are offering more variety and healthier options but a buffet is still a buffet! While it's okay to occasionally select macaroni and cheese or dessert, these indulgences need to be rare. Limit yourself to one "free" meal a week!

Another important tip is to make good decisions about your beverages. Limit sodas and sweet drinks. They provide no nutritional value and slow weight loss. Make water your main source of hydration. Drink skim milk with your meals. Calcium-rich diets burn more fat!

Avoid late-night snacks to keep your weight under control. Have some healthy options available for those rare times when you decide to indulge. Stop eating 2-3 hours prior to going to bed so that excess calories aren't so easily stored as fat.

One of the most important steps that you can take to avoid the "freshman 15", and the last one we'll discuss here, is to find an exercise buddy and schedule regular workouts. Take advantage of the college facilities for weight training, walking, running, swimming, tennis, racquetball, and basketball.

Follow these five simple steps to avoid gaining those unwanted pounds as you go away to college. Ignoring the problem can cause the "freshmen 15" to turn into permanent baggage that you won't want to carry around with you. Being aware that it can happen is essential and enables you to make wiser choices before it's too late.

Hydroxycut Review - Is There Anything Better Than Hydroxycut?

There are lots of reviews of diet pills over the Internet. They all pretty much say the same thing. A few names keep popping up like cream rising to the top when you talk about weight loss pills. Hydroxycut is one of those names of well reviewed weight loss pills. Hydroxycut claims to increase your metabolism and increase your energy levels so that you can lose weight quicker. Does it really do what it claims to do? Following is a Hydroxycut review.

The bottom line is Hydroxycut wouldn't be so popular if it didn't follow through on its claims. You will find many different drugs that claim to burn fat faster, reduce your appetite, increase your energy so you can exercise and many other things. Hydroxycut takes the best parts of several drugs and puts them all together into one quality product.

In this Hydroxycut review I will tell you the main ingredients in Hydroxycut diet pills that allow it to work so well. One of the main ingredients is guarana. This is similar to caffeine and helps to increase your energy level. This is where the biggest side effect comes in. Some people who aren't used to caffeine find themselves feeling jittery or have trouble sleeping. This can be averted by using a smaller dose until your body gets used to it. Green tea extract, another ingredient, is well known for its anti-oxidant value. Recently research has shown that it has great weight loss value also. For years people have heralded the power of chromium for losing weight. All these natural ingredients along with others make a very powerful weight loss supplement.

But keep in mind it is a supplement. Please don't expect to see great results when you aren't making any changes to your eating habits or exercise routine. Every Hydroxycut review or information piece will tell you that your chance of success is greater if you combine Hydroxycut with a low fat diet and increased exercise.

Methods to Lose Inches

The process of losing inches on your body is equal to the process of losing weight. But weight loss is overall and inches can be focused on certain areas of the body. Losing inches is again a process which requires the right amount of exercises combined with healthy diet. There are various diets which help you to lose out on inches faster while providing healthy and nutritional benefits.

Inches loss is usually focused on different areas of the body. These mainly include the stomach, thighs, waist, legs and other related area. For losing inches on target areas the right combination of exercising has to be provided in the same. Without proper exercising it is not possible for you to lose inches on target areas. The loss of inches also result in the loss of weight most of the times but there are instances when minor loss of inches may or may not affect the weight of the person.

Also the other factor which determines and contributes to weight loss is the weight of the bones of the body. There are individuals who are very thin and need no reduction of fat but require building of mass. These individuals may weigh more than fatter people. This happens because the person who is obese may have high water content in their body and these results in them being over weight. But those who have heavy bones due to genetic reasons may or may not need weight loss but definitely need the gain or loss of inches.

Detoxification diets are suggested to those who want to lose inches fast. There are various methods detoxifying your system. These include eating fiber supplements, body wraps and aerobic exercise. All these factors contribute to the diet in different ways. The body wraps help to incite a process called lymphatic drainage. Through this process the cells are released through fatty acids into your blood stream. With the use of a good body wrap several inches can be lost from the waistline and other problem areas.

By eating various kinds of fiber supplements the ability of the body to extract the toxins from the bloodstream, and release them in the natural waste process occurs. These fibers can be consumed regularly in the diet and helps in increase energy levels and results in drastic inch loss.

Through exercises all nasty toxins and inches from the body can be disposed. There are various kinds of aerobic exercises and cardio vascular exercises which help the body to increase metabolism and then focus on the problem areas of the body. These exercises target the main areas of the body like the stomach and the thighs which are the most common problem areas for weight loss.

The use of power yoga also helps in targeting these areas of the body. Through power yoga one can lose inches on the targeted areas of the body and also enhance the core muscles of the body. Weight lifting is the ideal process for targeting those curves and flabby deposits on the upper part of the body and the stomach area also.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Why You Are Still Overweight

Most people do not fully understand the complex workings of our bodies. People come up with many theories to lose weight. Cutting calories, eating low fat foods and exercising more are some of these theories. You may have even tried diets that are built on these theories. So, why are you still overweight?

You are still overweight because you are eating the wrong types of foods in the wrong ways. If you have been dieting and the diet emphasizes low carb foods, starvation methods, or low fat foods then you are eating the wrong foods. If you are not dieting, then you simply are not eating the right foods in the right way.

The food you eat will do one of two things. It will make you lose weight or gain weight. We are taught from an early age to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. Actually eating 3 large meals a day is not good for your body.

Your body is very complex. Your body will actually benefit from eating 5 or 6 smaller meals per day than the standard 3 large meals. You will actually be able to eat more food and lose weight!

By eating more often in smaller portions your body burns the energy it is given more efficiently. You also boost your metabolism which will cause you to burn that fat away. You will have much more physical and mental energy through out your day and lose weight at the same time.

Eating healthy foods in 5 or 6 meals per day will increase your metabolism and for fast weight loss that sticks. Always start with a breakfast consisting of fiber and fruits. Then continue to eat healthy foods through out the day about every 3 hours.

Exercise has some to do with weight loss. Just don't be sold on the idea that increasing exercise is all you need to lose weight. Exercise without a proper diet will do little to help you achieve your weight loss goals. In fact, unless you just never move all day long, most people already get enough exercise in their daily tasks. A little extra exercise with the right diet will help your weight loss.

Eating the right kinds of healthy foods in the right way combined with a sensible exercise plan will increase your metabolism and speed your weight loss. You finally know why your are still overweight.

Lose Inches Off Your Waist - How to Be Noticed For Your Sleek Figure

Losing weight around your waist is a great way to look great. It will give you more energy. You can lose 3 inches of your waist in very short span of time. You have to adopt some ways to shrink your waist through weight loss.

When you eat more food, it gets stored in the form of fat around your stomach and other areas. Most of the people adopt dieting to lose weight so that they can feel and look better. It is important to know that you can control the amount of belly fat to lower your waist by the exercise you do and the food that you eat.

If you want to lower your waist about 3 inches, then start few things quickly.

Stop Eating Salt

Salt naturally retains water. It is recommended that the use of salt and spicy food should be minimum. When you give up salt, then you will see an immediate impact on your water retention.

Stop Eating Sodium

People normally love spicy and fast food. These foods are full of sodium. Fast food has tons of sodium. Fast food and restaurant food should be avoided as much as possible. Frozen foods can also have a lot of preservatives, which includes salt and sodium.

Drink Excessive Water

Drinking a lot of water is the best way to lose weight. Our body needs a definite amount of water which should be taken everyday to fulfill the body need. You will definitely need to urinate much more often, but it is good for health. You must drink at least 16 glasses of water a day.


Exercise are very important and the quickest way to lose weight. You can do different exercises. Exercise help to burn the calories which are stored around your waist in the form fat. By burning these calories, your waist is automatically lowered. You can lose your waist with a set of different aerobic exercises like brisk walking, jogging, cycling or stair climbing.

A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet plays very important role in making you fit forever. If you don't take balanced diet then you can shrink-off your waist line very quickly. It is necessary for you to have a balanced diet which contains the calories which are according to your requirements. If you eat calories more than your requirement, then these calories are stored in the body in the form of fat around your waist and other areas which result in a growing waist. Exercises will help you to build more muscles and these muscles will consume more fats.


Walking is another way to low inches of waist in no time. Daily walk of about 45 to 60 minutes will do a lot and you will see the difference in your waist line.

These are few of the ways through which you can get immediate results and you start losing weight and it will result losing inches off your waist line.

How to Get Rid of Excess Body Fat - Tips to Help You Win the Battle Against Excess Weight

You look yourself in a mirror and you don't like what you see. There are too much excess fat surrounding your body; so you have decided to get rid of excess fat but you have also heard that the battle against excess weight is going to be a difficult one. Many people had lost the battle; so you want to be well prepared and use the right strategy to battle against excess weight.

Ask any battle general and he would tell you that in order to win a battle, we must have a battle plan. A great battle plan is about understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your enemy. When it comes to weight loss, the enemy is body fat. You need to understand how your body gains excess fat; you also need to understand about the types of food you eat, metabolism and your lifestyle. This information forms the basis of your battle plan against excess weight.

To make sure that your battle plan is effective to conquer excess fat, you should have a journal or food diary describing the types of food you eat, how much you eat, when you ate it and how you were feeling after eating. This information will tell you why you are gaining excess fat or how you can avoid it.

The food diary wil record at least two months worth of data; it contains not only the descriptions of the food you eat; the types and amount of meals and snacks you eat but also when you ate and how you felt about the food. Did you feel anxious, upset or nervous? Furthermore, the food diary is not only for you to read but it can also be available for those who help you in your battle against excess weight. This is what we mean by effective battle plan against unwanted body fat.

The food diary can also serve to encourage you to stay away from those types of food that can make you fat. One of the most difficult discipline to cultivate during your fight against excess weight is avoiding the temptation of eating the food that you love. For example, if chocolate candy is your favorite snack; it will be quite a struggle to avoid if you don't have a strong discipline.

Here are some tips to help you fight against the temptation.

Anytime when you have the urge to gobble up that chocolate candy, go and drink a full glass of water instead. This strategy can work wonders as water will make you feel full; hence it helps to stop your indulgence over something that can ruin your chance of winning the battle against excess body fat.

Another tip I find useful is to eat only half of the candy. Sometimes, I just can't resist the temptation; so what I normally do is go and drink up a glass of water first and then eat only half of the candy. This simple tip works for me all the time; what you need to cultivate is a little discipline and determination to defeat your enemy (in this case your temptation).

Last but not least, your battle plan to get rid of excess body fat must also include an exercise regimen. Choose the types of exercise that allow you to move every part of your body such as aerobics, swimming, brisk walking, roller skating, etc. The important thing to remember here is to exercise regularly. With this battle plan, you will have a high chance of winning the fight against excess body fat.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

5 of the Easiest Steps to Lose Weight at Home in Record Time

By the time you finish reading this, you will be on your way to lose weight at home that you will never thought possible to achieve. Let me tell you straight out, you don't have to live your house in order to lose weight. You can use whatever resources available at home. This will definitely save you time and money altogether. Let us find out how can this be done.

1) Watching What You Eat

What you eat daily will determine how your body will look. Make sure to eat only a well balanced food that contain lots of vitamins and minerals. Don't simply eat whatever and whenever you like. You need to have some discipline on the food you eat everyday.

The best way to achieve this is by writing down in a piece of paper on what you are going to eat for the rest of the week. Follow it carefully and you will be on your way to a healthy diet.

2) Drink Plenty Of Water

Water is very important to your body. If you don't drink enough water, your body will not function to its full potential. Water can cleanse your body and improve the digestion of the food you have eaten. Your kidney will function more properly thus improving your liver.

And because of this, your metabolism rate will improve dramatically. Not only you will lose weight but also you are able to maintain your body shape altogether.

3) Walking Several Times Per Week

If you hate jogging, you can still walk around your neighborhood. You may need to get out of your house for a while to accomplish this. Do you know that walking is consider one of the best exercises out there? You can sweat and burn those fat fast.

You don't have to walk everyday, just spend 3 times per week should be sufficient and this can really help you lose the weight you have been wanting to get rid of for so long.

4) Get The Whole Family Active

This will not only lose your weight but it can be a fun activity for your family. Play sports together in your yard. By doing this, you are able to strengthen the relationship among each other.

5) Weight Loss Products

There are a variety of different pills and home exercise programs that you can purchase for home use. Do you have an Internet connection at home? If you do, surf the Internet to look for the best weight loss program available. This will definitely save you time to go out purchasing weight loss products on pharmacy.

Some food for thought, I personally go for step number 5 because I can lose weight at my very own home. Plus, the weight loss program available on the Internet are much cheaper than asking for professional help.

Oolong Tea - Weight Loss Tea

If you have been trying to lose weight for some time now, chances are, you have turned to drastic measures at least once or twice. There are many weight solutions out there, including fat loss prescription drugs, pills, creams, special fat loss diets, exercise programs, equipment, and surgery. With the constant praise and attention given to people with small waistlines in today's celebrity-obsessed world, it's not hard to understand why the average Janes and Joes, just like you, are always on the lookout for ways to make them slim and slender like their favorite stars.

It can get confusing as to which weight loss method to abide by. The catch is, most of the weight loss solutions mentioned above pose more disadvantages than advantages. They can be pretty expensive and carry harmful side effects, including headaches, acne, mood swings, depression, and many others. Indeed, you could lose hope and your heart if you fall victim to any of the fake fads out there. It's a great thing there is now a reliable, all-natural alternative you can use in order to get rid of those extra pounds: oolong tea - weight loss tea. Oolong tea benefits are many.

If you're new at tea, you might feel intimidated to buy oolong tea, considering the numerous varieties of tea you can find in the market. To help you buy the right kind of tea, just remember that oolong tea is characteristically a dark, rich tea that almost resembles coffee, according to serious tea drinkers, since it can be fully browned and healthy. Besides, you can always ask tea distributors and sellers to help you find the tea you're looking for.

The purely organic oolong tea benefits were first enjoyed by the Chinese as this kind of tea, also called Wu Yi tea in honor of the mountainous region where it comes from, was first developed in China four hundred years ago. If you buy oolong tea today, you'd be sure to enjoy the same natural benefits, now enhanced by further research and development. In fact, consumers all around the world have expressed their loyalty to oolong tea and praised the tea's effectiveness as a weight loss alternative. Even weight loss experts have concluded the tea's wonders.

The greatest of all oolong tea benefits is its capacity to make you lose weight without subjecting you to emotional stress, which is common among weight watchers and dieters. This is because oolong tea produces an enzyme that boosts your metabolism while retaining high levels of energy, allowing you to stay active and happy. You won't have to go through mood swings or depression, typical side effects of fat loss pills, ever again.

While it may sound too good to be true, drinking oolong tea is really the best-kept dieting secret that is now making waves in the weight loss industry. You can easily find several websites that offer this kind of tea. Now you can spare yourself from the next heartbreak caused by another failed attempt at losing weight. Buy oolong tea today and start your journey to a thinner, healthier body.