Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lose 5 Pounds a Week - Breakthrough Secrets Finally Revealed!

Here's how to lose 5 pounds a week with some BREAKTHROUGH secrets that are finally being revealed. If you want to lose weight easily and without hours long workouts and without having to spend all day cooking for some special diet, then read this article now to find out secrets that require only a few minutes of your time each day.

Lose 5 Pounds a Week

1. Hormone manipulation exercise - spinning in a circle

If diet and exercise aren't working for you, it might be your imbalanced hormones that are putting the brakes on your weight loss. But you're able to stimulate your Endoncrine System with spinning... which in turn, balances the hormones.

When they are balanced, it's like taking off the emergency brake and coasting for easy weight loss. So spin around like you did when you were a child.

2. Belly rubbing burns out fat cells

Your fat cells don't like heat. Heat helps to cause fat cells to disintegrate and get flushed out of the body. Well, if you were to make your hands hot by rubbing them together for 15 seconds... and then rubbing small circles around your belly button, you're slowly but surely burning the fat cells right out of your stomach over time.

Do the above 2 minutes at a time, twice a day. Results come quickly.

3. A boring bonus tip - eat 3 apples each day

I feel a lot of my clients need some simple reminders on little things they can do to "STEAL" a few extra pounds of weight loss where they can. Eating 3 apples a day pretty muchs forces the body to lose 2-3 pounds each month for a couple months.

Do it, don't do it... WHATEVER. This is just a friendly reminder to mix in exciting weight loss secrets with old, boring proven ways to lose weight.

You can quite possibly lose 5 pounds a week when using these secrets and the apples... especially if your hormones are really messed up.

The Science of Weight Loss

3500 calories equals one pound. Every overweight and obese person attempting to lose weight at one time hears this. But what does it really mean?

After losing over 140 pounds in 2005, I learned how to apply this scientific principle to lose weight safely without feeling deprived while eating the foods of my choice.

Food is made up of calories. Everything we eat and drink contains some calories with the exception of water. Calories are changed into energy by the body. Energy is necessary for every cell in our body to function correctly.

The science behind weight loss involves the use of a simple mathematical equation. Weight loss equals energy taken in (calories consumed) minus energy spent (calories burned), where the amount of energy spent is greater.

There are several ways to achieve weight loss using this equation. You can reduce your intake by 3500 calories through food and beverage restriction. You can eliminate 3500 calories through increased activity such as exercise routines or daily tasks. Finally, you can use a combination of both calorie reduction and elimination. My success resulted from a combination of both. In fact, best practices in weight loss and long term management rely on this combination.

How can you apply this equation to your weight loss goals? Here is an example. Say you want to lose 10 pounds. To do so, you will need to reduce or eliminate 35000 calories (10 x 3500) per month. Because safe weight loss involves losing no more than 10 pounds per month, you would need to reduce or eliminate 1167 calories per day (35000 divided by 30).

Using a food journal like I did, you would need to know the amount of calories you eat per day. After keeping track of your intake for at least 24 hours, add the amount of calories you consumed. Taking the amount of calories you ate in 24 hours, subtract 1167 from this number. This is the net amount you should eat per day for 30 days to lose your ten pounds.

For example, if your food journal showed you ate 3000 calories in 24 hours, reducing your daily intake by 1167 calories daily, you would need to net 1833 calories for 30 days to lose your 10 pounds. Of course adjustments would need to be made for your activity level. The more active you are, the fewer calories you will need to restrict from your diet to lose the same 10 pounds.

Also, it is recommended to stay above 1200 calories, unless supervised by a doctor. Very low calorie diets less than 1200 calories per day can lead to nutrient deficiencies that can harm your body in the long run.

Because weight loss is based on science, it was easy for this registered nurse to use this principle to lose my weight safely and naturally without drugs or surgery. This is the same principle I use today to maintain my weight loss after three years.

5 Diet LIES That Keep You Fat!

You can search the internet from sun up to sun down every day and find millions of tips that the "experts" say will cause you to lose weight. However, the truth is that there are 5 diet lies that everyone preaches from the rooftops and keep you fat. Today, we'll discuss these tips in detail so that you can choose the right path for weight loss!

Without further ado let's get into the 5 diet LIES that you commonly hear:

NUMBER ONE: Work out three days per week, get your heart rate up and you too will lose weight!

WRONG! Yes, you definitely need to be stimulating your heart to keep it healthy but if you exercise three days per week and expect to lose weight consistently you will be sorely mistaken. Instead, you can MAINTAIN your weight this way but doing this alone will not cause you to lose weight. If it did, we would have a MUCH thinner nation! This is probably the most believed of the 5 diet tips I'm sharing with you today

NUMBER TWO: Eat a "low carb" diet for ultimate weight loss

WRONG! Of the 5 diet tips, "low carb" is the "sexiest" because all of the celebs follow this plan - it's trendy but not exactly true. Carbs are not our enemy at all. Instead, the CHEMICALS that are used to bleach and refine carbs into a form that sits on our shelves is the real culprit. Our food is covered in chemicals and this has been the norm sine the late 60's. As a result, we are the fattest generation in history and it's not getting any better. Remove the chemicals and remove the fat.

NUMBER THREE: Eat 5 small meals per day to keep your metabolism up

WRONG! Amongst the 5 diet tips, this one is most misunderstood. Many people work real hard to make this happen but they end up filling their bodies with the WRONG foods throughout the day and that has the exact OPPOSITE effect on their weight loss plans. So, if you follow this method then eat the RIGHT FOODS, which I've listed at my website if you wish.

NUMBER FOUR: It's all about "calories in vs. calories out"

WRONG (sort of): Our bodies are machines and we need so much fuel to operate everyday. If we have more fuel than we can burn then it does get converted to fat, that's true. However, we can still eat LESS CALORIES and gain weight. Really! The reason goes back to #2 and the chemicals we have in our food that builds up in our bodies and creates "plaque" buildups that keep us fat forever. This is the only one of the 5 diet lies that is sorta true.

NUMBER FIVE: I've got to diet to lose weight!

WRONG! This is the biggest of the 5 diet lies. We are programmed to diet if we ever want to lose weight and yet we remain fat. Why is that? It's because we diet on the WRONG FOODS and we fill our bodies with the chemicals that have been in existence since the late 1960's. But, the good news is that you can actually cleanse your body naturally if you know what to eat and when. And, I've posted more information on that topic at my website for your review

There they are, the 5 diet lies that you hear every day and we all believe as gospel. Today I want to challenge you to think "outside of the box" and try a different way of losing weight, one that is PROVEN effective for millions of men and women everywhere!

Low Carb Diets - Do They Work? Or Are They Just Plain Lies?

Low carb diets - Do they work? Or are they just plain lies? Millions of people all over the world are asking this very question all the time! Are you one of them? Well, I'm glad to tell you that... Yes! Low carb diets do work! You can even recall reading magazines about celebrities such as Donald Trump, Jennifer Aniston adopting such diets.

However, OK this is important, take notes! Do you know, that low carb diets also bring negative effects? The reason low carb diets work, and results are much faster, is because when you take less carbohydrates, your body simply uses proteins as energy to replace the lack of carbohydrates intake.

You'll be asking "What's wrong with that?" Well, everything's wrong! Firstly, proteins work as your generators for your body, each kinds of them serve special functions to your body. When your body is forcefully using proteins where they shouldn't be, don't be surprise when flu and running noses come hitting you on and off with your weakened immune system.

Secondly, you might be happy in a while with your low carbs diets with your tremendous weight loss, but then after a while longer you'll start experiencing slight headaches, tiredness, and the lack of energy to do anything. This is another side effect kicking in as a sign that your body is not getting enough energy as it's supposed to.

Of course, you can always reverse the situation by taking in high carb food again, but at the same time you'll be expecting the weight that you loss will come back gradually, quickly! And for the matter of fact, the damage to your body is done as proteins take time to resemble. Let me ask you the question again, "Low carb diets - Do they work?" You'll have to think again.

Friday, August 29, 2008

How to Reduce Stomach Fat and the Truth About Fats

How do I reduce stomach fat? That is a question that plagues most people seeking to trim their bodies, or lose some weight. The fats are there and they certainly do not look good on our bodies, do they?

Basically, fats are packets of energy stored in the body for conservative usage during times of needed energy. The more one stores fats inside his or her body, the greater the stored energy inside the body, and it allows energy to be tapped on them once the carbohydrates inside the body are used up. However, in our era of comfortable lifestyles, such energy storage is not needed anymore. Instead, it becomes a hindrance to us.

The truth about fats is that they are like storage pits. Once the body takes in too much food with excess energy (that is termed as fats), the body needs to allocate space for the excess energy to be stored. These spaces are the storage pits for the fats, and the truth is they cannot go away. The only thing we can do is to burn the fats away through increasing our metabolism rate, then monitor our food intake to reduce the amount of fats entering our body.

If you want to reduce stomach fat now, the first thing is to stop eating food with a lot of fatty content. Avoid the fats of meat from beef, pork etc. because these are fats! Taking them will only ensure that your body creates more storage pits for them to be stored. Deep fried food should be taken at a minimum (and I won't advocate abstaining from them because one must also know how to enjoy life). The second step is to reduce food intake altogether. Unless you are an athlete or a super-active person, you do not need so much energy daily for your activities, so eat less.

Then again, the hunger pangs just overcome us, so we end up eating more. The best way to counter these pangs is to eat fruits. The fibre helps quench our pangs while at the same time, we are not taking in energy because fibre has minimal energy. Fruits also contain water, so it also helps to hydrate the body, thus reducing our desire to take in food (yes, hunger and thirst are connected to each other).

Finally, do more exercises catered around the stomach. Running is a way to burn the fats, but we would want exercises that focus on getting rid of the fats around the stomach, so focus more on sit-ups, crunches and abdominal exercises. These are less taxing on the whole body, and can be done anywhere, even at home. Once the fats are trimmed, you are on the way to a nice figure (for ladies) or 6-pack abdominals (for guys)!

What Foods Can I Eat That Will Increase My Metabolism

There are certain foods that will increase your metabolism and burn fat. To achieve your long lasting fat goals you will need to eat foods that will increase your metabolism.

One of the most important parts of losing fat and weight is not to diet but to diet right. This means that you must eat the right foods to stimulate fat loss. One of the best ways to stimulate fat loss is to increase your metabolic rate and keep it up. There are foods that will stimulate fat loss by increasing your metabolic rate.

Eating plenty of proteins will increase your metabolic rate more than any other food. Eating protein several times per day will make you feel fuller for longer and help to increase your metabolic rate. It should be noted that not all proteins are equal. There are some protein foods that are much better to eat than others.

The best protein foods to eat are fish and seafood. Fish caught in the wild are generally better for you. Eating fish such as mackerel, salmon and herring also has an additional advantage, it provides good fats that are vital to your health. Good fats are discussed more below.

Free range fed cattle, buffalo and beefalo are also excellent sources of proteins that will increase your metabolism. You want to make sure the meats you eat in this category are organic and range fed. Avoiding corn fed meats that were fed out in feed lots is important. These animals are higher in fat, have been given antibiotics and lack many of the nutrients that grass fed animals have.

Along with free range meats you should also eat free range, organic poultry and eggs. These proteins have the same advantages as cattle, buffalo and beefalo that are organically raised.

Eating good fats also has the effect of increasing your metabolism. Good fats include omega 6 and omega 3 fats. These fats protect you against illness and help support your immune system. The best way to get these fats are to eat the fish listed above. Other ways to get these fats are by using olive oil, flax seed oil and coconut oil.

The third type of foods to eat that will increase your metabolism and help you burn more fat are good carbohydrates. The best carbohydrates to integrate into your diet are organic vegetables and organic low sugar fruits. Vegetables to eat include carrots, tomatoes, and peppers. The best fruits to eat are apples, peaches, blueberries, pears and strawberries.

Strive for the right balance of proteins, good fats and good carbohydrates and you will have more energy, burn more fat and burn it faster and in general you will be healthier. Our bodies are evolved to eat these types of food. You will know when you have found the right balance of these foods when your energy level is high, you feel good and rarely experience illness. Keep eating these foods and you will keep the fat off for good.

Why Eating Breakfast Equals Weight Loss

You've heard it before and you'll hear it again - breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There's just no way around it.

I frequently hear "I don't have time for breakfast" and "I'm not hungry in the morning", neither reason negates the importance of eating breakfast every morning. Maybe it'll be easier to make breakfast a priority if you understand why it's so important.

First, breakfast occurs after about an 8 hour fast (think how many hours are between your last meal of the day and breakfast). When you wake up in the morning, your blood sugar and glycogen stores (carbohydrates stored in your muscles and liver) are depleted and the body is searching for fuel. If you don't feed your body it goes into conservation mode, drops your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories throughout the day), preserves your fat stores (the body is thinking "starvation"), and will turn to muscle for the energy it seeks.

Second, when you skip breakfast you'll frequently grab snacks mid-morning to tide you over until lunch. A mid-morning snack is good, but when you skip breakfast the snacks that tempt you tend to be high in fat, sugar, and calories. A breakfast that includes a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fiber reduces these mid-morning cravings.

What's Going on Physically

Your body is primed and ready to go in the morning. Your metabolism is boosted and your hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and serotonin are highest first thing in the morning.


This hormone promotes the breakdown of lipids (fancy name for fats) which is a good thing; however, it also promotes the breakdown of muscle. It blocks muscle from taking in more amino acids (muscle building blocks) and inhibits new muscle formation.


Your "fight or flight" hormone increases your blood sugar to give your body immediate energy by breaking down glycogen in the liver and mobilizing amino acids stored in muscles. However, I've already stated that by the time morning rolls around, your glycogen levels are depleted. This means there's not a reserve glycogen supply and muscle receives adrenalines full attention for the fuel it's after.


Just to throw an extra hurdle into your morning routine, serotonin is at peak levels first thing in the morning. Serotonin reduces your appetite. There's a reason you don't feel hungry!

Research Support

A recent weight loss study reinforces the importance of breakfast. Two groups of women were compared. The first group followed a low calorie diet (1200 calories) that included a balanced protein/carbohydrate intake. This group ate 50% of their daily calories in the morning (600 calories). The second group followed a low calorie (1000 calories), low carbohydrate diet and ate 25% of their calories in the morning. The first group lost ~40 pounds over 6 months, while the second group lost ~10 pounds (28 pounds first 4 months, followed by 18 pound regain). These results support the fact that a substantial, well-balanced breakfast is essential for long-term weight loss success.

A Shocking Discovery on the Best Weight Loss Pills

Over the years America has created pills for everything, from pleasing your spouse to growing hair to stopping a pregnancy and yes even for losing weight. We have all been told that these pills are good for our bodies and will do exactly what they claim to. These companies of the best weight loss pills feel it is necessary to make YOU feel safe, like you are getting something extraordinary that will fill every gap you have questions about on losing weight.

However, when was the last time you read the ingredients that are included in some of these pills? I bet unless you have actually worked with half of the chemicals that are added to these pills that you couldn't even pronounce a single one of them or if you could, could you tell what it is exactly? I know I can't typically pronounce half of what is in processed foods let alone ingested pills. What I am getting at here is; do you really think it is safe to be ingesting something that you have no clue what it is? Even the best weight loss pills claim to be good for you but I can guarantee you that most of these pills in the past have already been taken off the market.

Also, how many people have you talked to that say their life has completely changed to some of the best weight loss pills on earth? Did you stop to ask them if after they stopped taking the pill, did they gain the weight back? Maybe you have been a victim of one of these weight loss pill schemes. And maybe you have had to experience the constant yo-yo diets too many times.

Millions of people just in America alone experience yo-yo diets by subjecting themselves to pills that they have no idea what it is made out of. Many of these people are just like you looking for the answer to lose weight, fit it in their busy schedule, and not gain the weight back again. There may be times when you put a time limit on yourself and feel that you MUST meet that goal to lose weight so you can move on in your life, believe I know I have felt like that too. If I just lost 10 or 15 more pounds I could look good in this outfit and I could go somewhere nice. Although this need drives us all, do NOT I will repeat again DO NOT give in to the fad weight loss pills unless they are your absolute last resort, no one needs extra chemicals in their body.

There have been many times in the past when the so called best weight loss pills had to be removed from the market because they endangered the lives of the consumers. The next time you start to consider purchasing these pills check to see if they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration and try to contact the company directly, ask them if THEY would be willing to use these pills in their own lives and if they would be willing to place their own lives at risk to lose weight in such a fashion. If they pause for even a moment, I think you have found your answer.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fat Loss and Exercise - Are They Related

When it comes to fat loss, many people think about eating less and stay healthy. A lot of people relate fat loss with stop going to fast food restaurants. Some think that if they can refrain from eating pizza, they can lose a lot of fat. That may be true but it is only a tiny part of how you can lose fat. There are many ways which you can do. This article will give you some tips whether fat loss and exercise are related and what you should to in order to get the maximized results if you are to exercise.

Fat loss and exercise are related because one element can cause the other. In this case, exercise can cause fat loss. Although, exercise is not the only way a person can do to lose fat. It is one of the fundamental practices that you can do to lose fat and weight. When you exercise more, you burn more fat. If you eat the same way you did but you burn more fat, you will finally lose fat and weight. However, there are many elements to be considered when this happens. Here are some of the facts that you will have to do when you want to lose fat:

1 Do both aerobic and anaerobic exercises
When you exercise, you will have to do both aerobic, continual moving for at least 20 minutes, and anaerobic, resistant muscle training. Both are important in fat burning process. If you do only one part, you fat loss exercise may not be so effective.

2 Build more muscles to burn more fat.
Why does muscle training is so important for losing fat purpose? Your muscle cells can burn more fat than any type of cells. You can have more muscle by eating the kind of foods and do muscle training exercises. They can also be referred as part of anaerobic exercises.

3 Exercise at least 20 minutes
Exercise time is also important for fat loss effect. You can not just having ten minutes exercise and expect a good result. It is estimated that at least you have to continually exercise for at least twenty minutes if you want to see some fat loss. And the exercises should be done daily. Or at least, you have to exercise three to four times a week.

4 Cardio exercise may not effective if you want to lose fat
If you only do aerobic exercises, you may not get your fat loss. This is because aerobic exercises focus mainly on your cardiovascular performance improvement. If we just use plain English, you will find that it just for help your heart and blood vessel m ore than help you lose fat. However, strong heart and blood vessel improves your body performance and at the end increase your ability in doing anaerobic exercises.

5 Turn your boring chores to exercise.
You can turn your daily activities into your exercise and help you lose fat. You can walk faster and longer distance. You can use the stairs instead of using lift or escalators. You can clean your house more. Do more things by yourself physically may help you lose fat and weight.

Hoodia - The Herbal Natural Remedy For Weight Loss

Diet pills are often frowned upon because of high costs, dangerous side effects, and the hassle of getting prescriptions from a physician. That's why many people who want to lose weight are turning to natural supplements such as Hoodia. Hoodia is a non-prescription herbal natural remedy for losing weight. The "Hoodia craze" in the media has resulted in more and more dieters inquiring about this amazing diet herb.

What is Hoodia?

Hoodia is a natural herbal supplement derived from a succulent plant from the milkweed family. This cactus plant grows in the Kalahari Desert in Africa. It has been used by tribal bushmen of Africa for thousands of years. The bushmen would chew the plant during their hunting trips to suppress hunger and thirst as well as increase stamina. Though these bushmen probably rarely thought about dieting (if ever), they were using an herbal natural remedy that would eventually be desired by dieters around the world!

Hoodia and Weight Loss

Hoodia is available in several forms: Hoodia Gordonii diet pills, Hoodia Balance, and Hoodia Chaser (liquid form). When taken, Hoodia signals to the brain that you are no longer hungry or thirsty. This signal takes place because of Hoodia's ingredient P57. P57 signals are similar to those of glucose, but much stronger. So, the appetite is suppressed at longer intervals.

Benefits of Hoodia

Hoodia offers many benefits to the weary dieter. It is a natural weight loss product and can be bought online or off-line without a prescription. This enables the dieter to buy several months' supply or even a year's supply without paying for ongoing doctor visits for diet pill prescription refills.

Being a natural weight loss supplement has other advantages as well. Hoodia, if bought in its pure natural form, does not contain the harmful chemicals contained by many other prescription or over-the-counter diet pills. For those who are inactive and have a difficult time controlling their appetite, Hoodia offers the sense of control in that it tells the brain that no food is needed so the person can concentrate on other things.

Hoodia also naturally enhances one's mood and increases stamina. The dieter may feel a burst of energy and have a desire to be more active than normal. This, in turn, helps in the process of losing weight as well.

Hoodia Tips for You

While taking Hoodia products, it is recommended that you consume plenty of water and other liquids to prevent dehydration. The thirsty "feeling" may not be there, but your body still needs adequate amounts of liquids. Also, when those hunger pangs do arrive, eat healthy, well-balanced meals to give your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs. This will also enhance your weight loss and give you the energy you need to carry on daily tasks.

Before buying a Hoodia product, research the product and company carefully to be sure it is Hoodia in its purest form. There is a wealth of herb information on the Internet. Check labels for "additives" or extra chemicals and ingredients. Buying Hoodia that has been enhanced with other chemicals could hinder your weight loss efforts and be harmful to your health.

As with any new medication or natural supplement, talk with your physician to be sure there are no health conditions that would hinder you from taking Hoodia. If you have high blood pressure, a heart condition, diabetes, or some other serious condition, then talk with your physician before trying Hoodia.

People are choosing herbal cures and natural health products over prescription drugs like never before. You can even search online to find an herbal natural remedy such as Hoodia, Provillus, and many others at discounted prices. Start fighting obesity today with Hoodia.

How to Achieve Weight Loss by Dancing

How do you achieve weight loss by dancing? The same way I did.

Perhaps your like me. I LOVE to dance. When I was a kid I would dance to every piece of music that would come on. I would make my Mom and Dad sit through umpteen dances - and they weren't very good! But somehow, when I became an adult, I started to view being fit and healthy as a chore instead of as something fun. I put on my adult view of the world and decided that fitness must mean running or sit ups or something else boring (at least to me).

But somewhere along the way, I got my husband to take me out dancing - we took ballroom lessons, and I discovered that you can achieve weight loss by dancing. I have to admit that at first I was pretty winded and sore after dancing the first couple of times.

The amazing thing was, that I was dancing - which I love - and I was exercising - which I thought I hated. My stomach started getting flatter and I started getting stronger. All while having the time of my life.

You can lose weight dancing even if you don't dance well or if your significant other refuses to take you out dancing. The reason this works so well is dancing is so darn fun, it doesn't feel like exercise!

There three great ways to get started.

First, and this is my favorite because it's free, get your favorite jamming music from when you were a teenager. For me, that is Bon Jovi and all the big hair bands from the eighties (I'm showing my age). Put it on and start moving. You'll feel great. It will be a ton of fun and you'll be exercising. And here is a secret, regular physical activity is the best way to reset your metabolism to run like a thin persons.

My second favorite way is lessons. This costs a little bit more, but it doesn't have to be too expensive. Many YMCAs, senior center, singles groups, community organizations, and even bars offer dance lessons for very reasonable costs. You don't need a partner to go and you'll be learning something really fun. The added benefit to this method is that when you pay for something you are more likely to stick to it.

Third, get a dance lesson DVD. I have a really great one that has 10 minute increments on it. My kids even like it. I just pop it in and start moving.

How I Lost Weight in 30 Days - Stress Free!

Let me be honest here. Yes I was recovering from the depression caused by eating to much sugary stuff and was looking for my other packet of fries when by fiancée came down hard on me and I got a wake up call. Am sure you don't want to hear about my relationship issues so here is what I did to lose weight in 30 days.

I held myself back from eating the next packet of chips

I decided to cut the routine. Every time I felt like buying some fries and a pizza I would head on to the kitchen to cook a real meal and eat. I made sure there was always real food in the house so when the cravings set in I would eat something healthy.

I stopped going out for lunch

I realized that I ate more junk during my lunch breaks than any other time. So I started carrying a lunch box and avoided going to the stores during the lunch hour.

I stopped shopping on an empty stomach

Every time I went shopping with an empty stomach I would find myself buying a lot of junk. I don't know why but one day I went to shopping after a good meal and I bought good food. It made it easier for me to avoid junk food, as I had none near by.

I changed my eating patterns and started eating smaller amounts regularly

I started eating fewer portions more often and stopped the 3 BIG meals per day. At the time I was doing this, I didn't know much about metabolism until one of my friends told me about it.

I started sleeping longer

Fortunately for me it was not a busy month at work so I started sleeping the recommended 8 hours and made sure I kept my sleeping and walking up times consistent.

I started drinking lots of water

Every day in the mornings I drank two glasses of water and also at night especially when I felt hungry just before bed.

Weight Loss Strategies - Use Supplements

Everyday people waste their hard earned money on weight-loss supplements. They go to vitamin stores and natural food stores and walk out with bags of the newest "fat-burners". Most of these supplements and fat-burners do not work and they can have unwanted side effects.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off there are some supplements that can help. A one-a-day multivitamin, a calcium/vitamin D pill, a fish-oil pill, and green tea extract can help you shed pounds with no adverse side effects.


You get most of your nutrients from carbohydrates. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are filled with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, flavanoids, and antioxidants that keep your body running well.

When you decrease your calorie or carbohydrate intake, you do not typically get all the nutrients you need. Taking a one-a-day multivitamin can help fill in the voids in your nutrition plan.

Calcium and Vitamin D

I recommend that everyone, especially women, take a calcium/vitamin D supplement. The combination of calcium and vitamin D can help you:

* Lose weight,
* Prevent osteoporosis,
* Decrease blood pressure, and
* Prevent cardiovascular disease.

Taking a calcium/vitamin D pill will supplement for what you are not receiving in your diet.

Fish-oil Pills

Fish-oil pills have polyunsaturated fats in them called omega-3 fatty acids. These "good" fats can help you:

* Lose weight
* Improve your cardiovascular health
* Decrease your LDL "bad" cholesterol
* Increase your HDL "good" cholesterol

To get the full benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, you should eat at least two servings of fatty cold water fish per week or take a daily fish-oil supplement that provides at least 600mg of omega-3 fatty acids

Green Tea

Green tea is filled with phytochemicals and antioxidants. These phytochemicals and antioxidants have many potential benefits, including:

* Boosting metabolism
* Decreasing your risk of cardiovascular disease
* Decreasing your risk of cancer

To boost your metabolism and lose weight you could drink four cups of brewed green tea every day. You may not like the idea of drinking multiple cups of tea everyday. Instead of drinking the tea, you can also take 500mg of green tea extract (standardized for EGCG) once daily.

The combination of a one-a-day multivitamin, a calcium/vitamin D pill, a fish-oil pill, and green tea extract can help you lose weight. Stay away from those over-the-counter weight loss pills. They are a big waste of money.

Please consult your physician, registered dietitian, or certified fitness professional before starting or changing your diet or exercise program.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Best Technique For How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Many of us develop a little bit of a spare tire at some point in our lives. It can not only make us feel horrible physically, but emotionally as well. All we want to know is how to lose belly fat fast. This is one of the best techniques I have found to lose belly fat fast.

The first thing we need to talk about is what you call fast. This technique will give you a six pack within the next three months if you stay focused and disciplined and you will start to notice results in as little as one or two weeks. I have to tell you though, it takes work, focus, desire, and commitment.

The first thing you need to do if you want to lose belly fat fast is to cut back on your carbohydrates significantly. In fact, your diet should consist almost completely of meat, vegetables, and fruit. You need to completely cut out bread, pasta, sugar, and most certainly snacks of any type unless they are fruits or vegetables.

The second part of this technique is exercise. You will need to do between one and a half to two hours of cardiovascular exercise every day. This could be running or any other type of cardiovascular exercise you wish to do as long as it gets your heart beat up and keeps it up. You can break this exercise up into two one hour sessions if you wish. You can jump rope for two thirty minute sessions instead as jumping rope for fifteen minutes is equal to running for one hour.

This is the best technique for how to lose belly fat fast. As I said, it takes work and commitment. It is not one of the easiest techniques, however, it is one of the most effective techniques for how to lose belly fat fast.

Fat Burning Hormones For Rapid Weight Loss

Did you realize that there are actually particular foods that when used in combination make you give off fat burning hormones for rapid weight loss? Well, it's true. And the interesting thing is that these foods are most effective when eaten at certain key times of the day.

Hormones are like the chemical messengers of your body. They enter your bloodstream and deliver powerful signals to your organs and tissue. While they affect many of the body's functions such as growth and development, what is important for you in your quest for rapid weight loss is the fact that they help control your metabolism.

In that you want to be able to control these fat burning hormones you will be eating more than three meals a day. Not more food, just simply spreading your calories throughout the day.

I don't want to bore you with a science lesson so I'll just list a few of the hormones you've probably heard of:
o Testosterone and Estrogen
o Natural steroid and
o Glucocorticoids such as cortisol

One thing I should mention (and something many of the world's ancient culture already know) is that food is, for lack of a better word, medicine. That's why it is so important to have a specific and well-balanced diet that gives you the exact method of using these hormones in your effort for rapid weight loss.

By well-balanced I mean a proper combination of all three food types: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. High Protein/Low Carbohydrate diets are all the rage now because proteins have such a great "thermic effect." In other words they have the ability to heat up your metabolism in order to help you burn calories. But the problem with diets such as the Atkin's diet is that they put you in serious risk for high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

How to Lose Chest Fat Fast and Efficiently

Some of us would love to know how to lose chest fat. Especially some of us men who are unlucky enough to have man boobs. Here is a very powerful technique for how to lose chest fat.

The first thing you will need to do is take a look at your diet and exercise if you wish for this technique to work. You will need to really want to lose chest fat because it takes effort, work, commitment, and time. Unless you use a technique that allows you to eat whatever you wish, the only other option is to exercise and diet.

Let's start with diet. You will first want to cut back significantly, if not completely on your carbohydrates. This technique will allow you to completely lose chest fat and develop a six pack in as little as three months if done properly. Get rid of pasta, breads, sugars, snack food, and any other type of carbohydrates from your diet. In fact, the only foods you will be able to eat are meats, vegetables, and fruits until you are finished.

The second part of this technique is to exercise at least one and a half to two hours a day. You will need to do some sort of cardiovascular exercise that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up. Running and riding bike are some of the best options. You can break this up into two forty five minute to one hour sessions each twice a day if you wish, however, you will need at least one and a half hours of exercise a day combined with the diet we talked about before if you wish to lose chest fat.

Are You Desperate to Lose Weight Quickly and Want to Know the Best Technique?

If you are desperate to lose weight quickly, this technique is the best option you will find out there.

The first part of this process if you are desperate to lose weight quickly is to look at what you need to do with your diet. First of all, you will need to completely cut out carbohydrates. Focus on only eating meats, vegetables, and fruits. You will also want to only drink water and all natural fruit or vegetable drinks. Get rid of carbohydrates such as breads, sugars, pasta, and anything else you may eat that has carbohydrates in them.

The second part of this process if you are desperate to lose weight quickly is exercise. You will need to do one and a half to two hours of cardiovascular exercise every day. This could be running, jumping rope, or riding bike. What you choose to do is up to you, however, you will need to do something that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up. You can break this up into two forty five to sixty minute sessions each day, or you can do this exercise all at once.

This is a technique that works if you are desperate to lose weight quickly that takes commitment and discipline, however, it works extremely well. In fact, if you follow this technique to a t, I guarantee that you will have rock solid abs if not a six pack in three to four months. You will see results in as little as one to two weeks in your size and weight. Once you get to your desired size, you can get a little more relaxed with your diet and exercise and still maintain that size.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Effective Weight Loss Programs - A Diamond in the Rough

There are so many varying programs out there claiming to provide effective weight loss solutions. I can give you a vary basic place to start working toward your own weight loss goals.
Tip I: Set yourself challenging, yet reachable, goals.
You need to establish several series of goals for yourself. Immediate, short-term, and long-term goals are extremely important to building an effective weight loss program. Immediate goals will deal with things you can do right now (within days). Eat healthier starting now. Short-term goals deal with challenges set over several weeks. Lose ten pounds before the wedding in 3 weeks. And Long-term goals are achieved over several months or even years. Lose 50 pounds in 5 months.
As you reach each milestone, the act of crossing off each goal as you approach it will be a continuous supply of motivation for you. Reevaluate each goal as you surpass it and continually create new ones.
Tip II: Do research on each program.
This is extremely important and must not be skipped. Do a search for the author of the program, making sure he is who he says he is. Go to forums and see what people are saying about the program. Check out a program that has a refund guarantee, you can always get your money back if the program is no good. And last, look for reviews. There are some great individuals out there that just want to help you succeed, and give you the best information possible.
These are just 2 extremely simple, yet crucial, things to remember when searching and starting an effective weight loss program.
To further aid your cause, I have done some of the research for you and determined what I think are the 3 most effective weight loss programs currently on the market.

The Easy Weight Loss Plan Uncovered

Losing weight can be extremely simple. It doesn't take any special pill or food to lose weight. It does take some knowledge though. I have prepared this article with a little bit of the knowledge that I have picked up over the years that have helped many people lose weight. Some of you may have heard this information before, others perhaps haven't.
The Easy Weight Loss Plan
Step 1:
Before you do anything, before you find a program, before you go to the gym, I want you to sit down and write out all of the goals you wish to achieve. Why are you trying to lose weight? How much weight do you want to lose? By when do you want to lose it?
Writing these out will make them real. Now, you also have something concrete to shoot for and as you reach each goal, I want you to cross them out. This will act as motivation. Nothing feels better than having achieve a goal you set for yourself. This will also prove to you that your easy weight loss plan is working.
Step 2:
Start eating six meals per day instead of the traditional three. This may seem strange at first, but most experts have been saying for years now that this is a healthier way to eat. You eat smaller meals more often (usually every 2 to 3 hours). This will keep your metabolism up and will keep your blood sugars level. Both of which will aid in your easy weight loss plan.
Step 3:
The number 1 thing I want you to stay away from is high fructose corn syrup. This nasty chemical will ruin your easy weight loss plan every time. It blocks receptors in your body that signal your brain when you are full, causing you to eat more.
Step 4:
Now I want you to get a good weight loss program.

A Weight Loss Food Program - A Guide to Losing Weight

We all know, or have been told, that the most effective means of losing weight is through diet and exercise. Fads come and go, yet the old-school remedy has remained. Diet pills are a expensive and have received mixed reviews. This guide is going to discuss one half of the solution: what to eat. This is a guide designed to introduce you to a weight loss food program.
Tip #1: What you eat.
What you eat is very important and someone could write a book on the subject.. in fact, many people have. However, the information out there is astoundingly varied and can cause even the most disciplined web-surfer to go crazy. However, you're in luck, there are certain principles that most of these books and sites agree on, therefore, they should be good right?
Calorie intake is going to vary based on many factors such as height and age, so I will not go into this here. However, I will discuss a few ingredients to stay away from.
Stay away from high fructose corn syrup! It is found everywhere from pretzels and potato chips to candy, beer and soda. HFCS is bad because it blocks certain receptors that tell your brain when you are full. By blocking these, you eat more! Here is something surprising: diet sodas can have the same effect! That's right, the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas have a similar effect.
So, stay away from high fructose corn syrup.
Tip #2: When you eat.
Your body and metabolism go through different stages and phases throughout the course of the day. For instance, your metabolism slows down during fasting times such as sleep.
Eat a big breakfast. Eating a big breakfast will do two things, it will shake the sleep out of your metabolism, and will keep you full and from snacking through the morning hours.
Do not eat 2 hours before going to sleep because as your metabolism slows, you will not be able to burn off those calories that you just ate before bedtime.

How Can You Eat More Food to Lose Weight? - The Secret Solution

You more than likely have heard people say you can eat more and lose weight. Diet programs have been using this as an advertising ploy for years. Is there any truth to it? Well, yes there is actually, but there is also a catch. This article is going to discuss this claim.
First off, yes you can eat more food and lose weight. In fact you can eat more food TO lose weight. Here is the catch though, you must eat HEALTHY foods to still lose weight. What exactly does this mean?
You must eat healthy foods that offer you certain nutrients such as protein, monosaturated (good) fats, B12, vitamin C and pectin. Here is a small list of foods that provide this.
1. Lean meats - Lean meats, such as turkey and chicken, provide a healthy supply of high quality protein, niacin, and B6. Fish, such as tuna and salmon, also provide protein, as well as, omega-3 fatty acids which lower leptin an boost metabolism.
2. All types of berries - Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries all contain high amounts of antioxidants, which help to prevent cancer, heart disease, and obesity and they contain high levels of vitamin C. The flavanoids in each helps eyesight, balance, coordination and short-term memory. Strawberries contain pectin, which helps to suppress your appetite.
3. Olive oil - antioxidant rich and contains monosaturated fats to clear your arteries and lower cholesterol.
4. Peanut butter - yes it is high in calories, but it is packed with monosaturated fats to help clear arteries, as in olive oil, and boost testosterone to build muscle and melt fat. Limit yourself to 3 Tbsp per day, to avoid the calories.
These food tips are just the beginning of what is out there. I have looked at much of the information available. I have reviewed the best weight loss programs around.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Both regular exercise and eating right is required to get rid of stomach fat. Stomach fat is stored fat and won't come off easily. There isn't a quick fix for it. It took a long time to build up and will take steady, regular efforts to get it off.

Start working off that belly fat with a regular routine of the two steps listed below.

Step 1 - Diet

Everybody knew this was coming, but if you have a fat stomach you must start a healthy, lean diet that will let you store your fat in a way that will not cause that build up around the middle.

You have probably tried to lose weight before with nearly every diet book and program ever put out. You need to go through these and find one you think you can stick with. Not a lose weight fast diet but a diet that is healthy and one that you can live with.

A diet that promises quick weight loss usually involves giving up most of the food that you love. You will probably never stick with that for very long. Who wants to go forever without cake, or ice cream, or donuts, or fat, juicy hamburgers?

You need to choose a sensible diet, a livable diet. One that allows you to eat the things you love but is more concerned with portion size. If you cut down your portion size and use your sweets as a reward or special treat instead of as an every couple of hours fix, then you will start to lose weight and fat naturally.

Step 2 - Exercise

Another dreaded word for some people. Exercise works hand in hand with dieting to get rid of belly fat. Just going for a walk or riding a bike will help if you do it regularly. If you are really into exercise, maybe you have a gym membership, then the best thing for getting rid of stomach fat is a combination of regular aerobic exercise and weight lifting.

Your stomach fat will not magically disappear after exercising for a couple of weeks. The more muscle you build, the more fat you will lose. You need to have a regular program that will slowly begin, with the help of a healthy diet, knocking off that belly fat.

In order to get rid of the belly fat you need to be consistent with exercising regularly and eating right. Once it becomes a habit you will really be on the road to losing that stomach.

The Two Biggest Enemies of a Successful Diet

There are hundreds of diet books and diet programs. So why are so much people struggling to lose weight and to keep it off? We know that by dropping the extra pounds we can add quality to our life and become healthier. But still we are putting off the start of our diet, saying we are going to start next Monday or on the first day of next month. Procrastination is one of the biggest enemies of a successful diet. Starting a diet can be very difficult. You can purchase the most informative diet plan or book. They can motivate you to lose weight, but nothing happens without your drive to lose weight.

When it comes to eating healthy you can go to your local market and buy all the healthy food available. But if you do not eat the healthy food on a regular basis, it can not help you lose the weight.

If you are only discussing your plans to lose weight and are not putting those plans into action, you can not lose weight. You can choose the best diet plan; discuss it regularly with your nutritionist, your family, your best friend or on discussion forums on the internet. But all that excitement is worthless if you are not following the weight loss plan.

If you have followed a diet before you have no doubt that weight loss requires great effort. You have to focus on your weight loss goal and it is also important to be patient.

The second enemy of a successful diet is sticking to the diet plan. Losing the excess weight is an important decision in your life. Going on a diet is a smart choice, but sticking to it is the most difficult part.

Keep in mind that besides adding quality to your life, losing weight can also extend the numbers of years that you live. You will become healthier and cut your risks for different health issues, such as heart disease and diabetes. So start your diet and stick to it.

You Don't Need Willpower to Lose Weight

I know, it is interesting, because it sounds completely against conventional way of thinking. Willpower is something that suppose to drive us, but that is not true. It is just the opposite. We don't need willpower to do something we like because our desire is much more powerful than willpower. When we are interested in something, it drives us without our complete awareness because our mind is capable of concentrating so well that nothing is in the way to slow down our performance. But, when we try to force our will onto ourselves to do something we don't really want to do, we engage in the battle that we can't win. Eventually we get tired because our desire is much stronger than our will.

So, if your desire makes you gain weight, because you always want to eat something tasty, then it is pointless to fight your desire with your willpower. It is much easier to become more goal oriented and be passionate about your goals. It is important that you exercise positive thinking of exercising in the gym and eating the right foods, because it is the seed that will help you concentrate on what you want. The stronger your interest will become in losing weight or living an active life, the easier it will be to give up your bad habits.

If you excite yourself enough, you will go to the gym because you want too. And as long as you don't over exercise or stay too hungry, your old desire of pleasing yourself with food will eventually disappear. In my experience when I over exercise I feel beat up for days which promotes laziness and many times distracts me from exercising or dieting consistently.

The idea is to maintain interest, but don't stand in front of the mirror, and don't look at yourself when you are working out, your interest has to be in the active way of life itself and not in the actual results, because if only results that excites you, then you are likely to be disappointed to soon before you learn to enjoy an active way of life, which will definitely help you lose weight, if that is your desire.

Understanding Weight Loss

Our bodies are very sophisticated and temperamental. They have to be fed the right types of food to run properly. You overfill them and they will run sluggish. You don't supply them with enough of something and they will run sluggish. You need to constantly supply your body with just the right food and drink to have it perform perfectly.

To state something obvious, if you consume 2500 calories in a day, and your body burns 2500 calories that day, you will remain the same weight. If you body only burns 2000 of those calories then you will gain weight. If you do that all week long, you will gain a pound. So of coarse all you need to do to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. It's that simple, or is it?

How that all works is your bodies metabolism burns the calories. There are many things that control your body's metabolism though, and we all have our own unique metabolism. Also not all calories are created equal, so some calories stick around for a long time, and others burn off very quickly. So the ideal situation if you are trying to lose weight would be to get your metabolism to function at a high level and consume calories that burn off quickly. Again, it is not that simple, sorry.

There have been numerous studies that show that our bodies all need certain things to function properly, stay healthy, and lower our risk for certain diseases. The findings from some of those numerous studies have been kindly put on our labels of the products we buy at the grocery store. All of those scientific studies were NOT done by a bunch of idiots I believe. There are some people though that think they are idiots and choose to ignore those studies and make up their own daily requirements of calories, fats, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, carbohydrates, fiber, sugars, proteins, vitamins, calcium, iron, and folic acids. I actually believe that those scientists from many different countries and universities knew what they were doing and know a thing or two. They are not just guessing or playing games with us.

We need to consume as close to possible those daily requirements for our metabolism to perform properly and to stay healthy. Some of those requirements are calories that do not burn off quickly, but do provide an important function. Fat, for instance. There are four different kinds of fat. Two of them are much needed fats, Polyunsaturated Fats, and Monounsaturated Fats, which helps reduce our cholesterol, helps lower blood pressure, control inflammation, and protects against irregular heartbeats. The saturated fats and Trans fats are the ones to avoid because they raise our cholesterol, and damage our blood vessels so they could become built up with plaque.

My conclusion to lose weight and still keep your body healthy and in perfect running order is to lower your calorie intake by just a bit. I believe 500 calories a day is about right. You will need to check your calorie body needs. In the calorie intake needs calculator put your age, height, sex, weight, and how active you are, 5 choices for that. That will give you a good idea of how many calories you need to consume. It will also give you how many grams of fat, protein and carbohydrates you need. If it says that you need 2500, reduce your intake down to 2000 calories a day. Eat foods that will give you your supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and take a good multivitamin.

Then speed up your metabolism so it burns calories faster. To do this I have a few tips.

- Move. The more you move the faster you burn calories. Walk, stand and pace when you are talking on the phone, wiggle, stretch, tap you're your feet, twiddle your thumbs, anything, just keep moving.

- Do some resistance training or strength training. For every pound of muscle you put on your body burns an extra 50 calories a day, even why you are doing nothing, sleeping. Your body's muscles degrade as you get older, so keep them toned, you will feel better and look better plus burn more calories.

- Exercise. There are so many ways you can get exercise. Think of which one you would enjoy doing and start off slow and build ease into some sort of routine. In the morning would be best to get your blood flowing and body working, but anytime will do, just try to find something you enjoy, like swimming, walking, yoga, etc.

- Eat many meals, and eat them slow. Yes, after a huge meal you feel sluggish for a reason. You need to eat many smaller meals to keep your metabolism working at the right speed, and help your body out by eating them slow and fully chewing your food. Eat a breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also snack between those meals and after dinner. You can eat all day and still easily stay under your daily calorie intake if you eat the right foods.

If you do this you will not only lose weight the right way, keep your body healthy, lower your risk for many diseases, but you will feel so much better and be full of energy.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Super Foods That Speed Up Your Metabolism - No Exercise Necessary!

Without a doubt, speeding up your metabolism is the "easiest" way to lose weight because you're losing weight passively.

You don't have to necessary exercise in order to lose the weight. Also, there are fods that speed up your metabolism, which I'll tell you in a bit.

So in this article I'm going to show you foods that speed up the metabolism. That way, you can have a healthy fast metabolism that burns fat while you sleep, work or play. (This is also as good as a diet pill)

There are foods that speed up your metabolism. But I'll tell you about that in a bit. The most important thing is to eat six small meals per day.

Instead of 3 big meals like breakfast, lunch and dinner. Why? Because you'll train your body to speed up the metabolism!

It really depends on your schedule but I like to eat a small meal every three hours. (I'm using the term meal loosely here, most of the time I'm just munching on whatever I can get my hands on)

So, if you eat small meals through out the day, it will train your body to quickly consume the food, so it doesn't store the food as fat. Pretty simple, huh?

But that's not all!

There are good foods that are healthy and speed up your metabolism, which include fruits -- such as bananas, apples, orange and pairs. Oh ... and don't forget vegetables.

But the most important thing is, don't forget other groups like meat and bread and pasta ... just eat, don't be picky. (But of course, you should avoid junk food like a skunk ).

Just eat healthy foods, it will speed up your metabolism.

The thing, don't over think and be overly picky about your food. Eat healthy stuff and don't count calories.

Like have you ever seen a person who is like 90 pounds? And she keeps eating all the time without getting fat. Why? Because she eats small meals and has a fast metabolism.

How to Lose Weight For People With High Cholesterol

From the school of medicine at Stanford University came a report from a study in high cholesterol. The study which focused on 300 men and women with high cholesterol revealed that with both a healthy diet and exercise pattern you could significantly reduce cholesterol levels in your body. In controlled conditions, one group used a low fat diet and the other was used a low fat diet together with an exercise regime.

After a year of following there diet/diet and exercise regimes, the group that incorporated exercise into there routines lowered there cholesterol level considerably more than the group who didn't exercise at all.

Consider on top of your new diet plan to add as much vitamin C as possible.

As an addition to your low cholesterol diet you should make sure to eat plenty of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is used to fix natural cracks and fractures in your arteries. If you don't get enough Vitamin C your body will substitute it with cholesterol.

In another study done, with sixty heart bypass surgery patients, it was shown that eating grapefruit everyday lowers your cholesterol.
Dividing the patients into groups, one group was given red grapefruit and another white grapefruit. A third group did not have any grapefruit given to them and there diet was not restricted in any way.

The study revealed the grapefruit groups both lowered there cholesterol but the group with no diet restrictions did not lower there cholesterol level.

If you are concerned or don't know if you have high cholesterol levels then get it checked by your local doctor. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Weight Loss - The Athletic Approach

Little has been said about using exercise as an adjunct to your fat battle armamentarium. We have chosen a diet plan, be it one that advocates high protein intake or high carbohydrate consumption or any one of a dozen other alternative diet plans. There are surely enough advertisements for gym- joining and muscle building. But somehow for many people like yourself they haven't registered - yet. let us look at what can be added to increase your slimming chances by getting off the couch for a minute (or more).

First let it be said that the actual movements necessary to be called exercise do not burn off a lot of fat. We have read how few calories are burned in the jogging, let us say for half an hour. Precious few. actually. For all that movement you may have taken off the weight that a piece of buttered toast has added to the mid section. Maybe that is the reason little has been said in favor of the exercise adjunct. But let us look beyond the period of the actual exercise moment.

Eminent physiologists tell us that our metabolism is boosted for hours after the event. Hours. Let us repeat part of the Webster definition of metabolism because it is pertinent to this issue. Metabolism - the chemical and physical processes continuously going on in living organisms and cells including the changing of living tissue into waste products and energy. Now let us repeat the above thought. Metabolism is boosted for hours after exercise and it changes fat into waste products.

The author has not seen studies of the measurement of waste product elimination during the boosted metabolism period if any exist. Nevertheless it seems apparent that exercise should be considered valuable to shed those pounds. A plus is that exercise is healthful and enhances the immune system.

Bodybuilding For Fat Loss

Bodybuilding for fat loss is never an easy feat. People have a hard to maintaining their weight these days, but to improve your appearance, health and self-confidence? It's that much harder. What is the secret to looking great without putting in countless hours into research, study, and the gym?

Information. You read that right. If you already have the information, you won't have to research and study for weeks and weeks. If you've got the information, you can compress your workouts to give you ten times the benefits for a tenth of the time you spent!

Turbulence Training, by Craig Ballantyne, is a perfect example of a program that breaks down every piece of information for you, feeding it to you a spoonful at a time, no matter how educated you are in fitness and nutrition.

With the goal of burning fat while building muscle at the same time, Turbulence Training programs consist of 45 minute workouts, 3 days a week. How's that for maximum results for minimal time investment? The workouts generally consist of 5 minutes warm up, 12-20 minutes of muscle building exercises, and then another 12-20 minutes of cardio to speed up the fat loss.

Turbulence Training workouts are different every time, meaning that you'll never get bored of doing the same exercises every time! The program includes 26 weeks of diverse programs each workout, meaning that you'll never plateau and stop gaining muscle and losing fat!

Bodybuilding for fat loss is not easy by yourself. Turbulence Training is a complete how-to guide, and has been endorsed and recommended by countless North American physicians, bodybuilders and professional atheletes.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Papaya Smoothie - A Great Addition to Your Diet

Papaya is known as a metabolism boosting food so can be a great addition to your diet. Smoothies are really easy to make and can be done with a bit of yogurt, some juice or milk and your favourite fruit. A banana is the perfect way to thicken the smoothie and they can become so filling and nutrition that if you're not a breakfast person, the smoothie is a great way to start your day.

Not only does a smoothie present a great opportunity for health benefits but it can help you with your weight loss efforts. A papaya smoothie could be a great blend of flavour, nutrition and metabolism boosting power for you whether you're doing the Sacred Heart Soup Diet, the Special K Diet, some other diet or simply trying to live a healthier life.

Papaya Health Benefits

Papaya is known for antioxidant power, vitamin C and is revered as a great digestive aid. You'll see many dieting ads suggesting you purchase a papaya diet supplement to get the maximum benefit from the extract. Whether you choose to purchase a supplement or simply choose to try to get more of this fruit in your diet, you can definitely benefit from a tasty and nutrition-packed smoothie. Here's a recipe:

Making a Papaya Smoothie

-Chunks of seeded and peeled papaya
-1 banana
-Probiotic Yogurt
-Milk or Juice (or even probiotic juice!)

Blend until desired consistency.

Fruit Tips

Using up fruit can be a challenge since it can spoil quickly so freezing your fruit before it's over ripe (when it doesn't look like it'll get eaten in time) is a great idea. You can add it to smoothies, to muffins and cereal as needed. Freezing fruit is a good idea because it retains its nutrient value as well as works great in recipes when thawed.

How to Turn a Fat Belly Into a Flat Belly

Most of us struggle with belly fat and for some getting rid of those unwanted love handles has turned into an obsession. This usually becomes a panic when we have to buy new clothes since our old ones do not fit anymore.

In desperation many people buy all sorts of products only to learn later that they could not sustain the weight loss and gained back most of the weight. However, getting rid of belly fat is not that difficult to do.

1. Lifestyle changes

I know you have probably heard it a thousand times before, but this one you must get right if you are serious about losing weight. Don't be tempted to go on one of these fad diets where you have to starve yourself. You know it's not going to last and in the process you will feel demoralized.

Rather switch to an eating pattern that can last you a life time. Include a fat burning foods into your diet, which will help you to burn fat, but at the same time won't leave you hungry throughout the day.

2. Do Not Rely Only On Sit-Ups

If you want to lose belly fat fast then you should include some form of aerobic exercises into your fitness routine. Aerobic exercises will boost your metabolism and you will start burning more calories. It helps to kick everything into motion so your system functions at optimal levels to burn fat fast.

Now you can start to target your waistline by doing daily sit-ups and crunches. This will go a long way in toning those abdominal muscles

3. Walking

Make it a habit to start walking on a daily basis for at least one hour in the morning. You should walk at a pace that gets your hart rate going, but don't overdo it at first.

4. Swimming

Swimming can be a fun way for you to lose weight and best of all it won't even feel like hard work. If you can try to swim a few days a week and this will help you to burn off the fat.

Always keep in mind that losing weight is a combination of eating right and exercising. The one won't work without the other, but if you can manage doing both, you will not only lose weight but sustain your ideal weight for a life time.

3 Rules of Walking For Weight Loss

Patient: "Sir, I want to loose weight"

Doctor: "How much weight do you want to loose?"

Patient: "Around 1 pounds in one week"

Doctor: "What is your present diet routine?"

Patient explained this in detail

Doctor: "Not very Difficult, Follow the following diet plan and make walk the daily routine"
(handing over a paper to the patient)

Now on reaching home the patient puts his whole attention towards the understanding and implementing of that diet plan. Yes he will also go for the walk.

But did the patient had any extra instruction from the doctor about the walk except the one and only to do it daily. The doctor sometimes do not even bother to tell the time frame. Only diet without proper walk will not be of any use but walk is not as simple as it appears from its name.

Some of the housewives have to walk all the day at home but still they are very fat. Why they are not very thin and lean? The answer is that they are not following any walk plan.

Without going into the much more details, I'm going to put here very easy and simple rules for you to follow


There should be two equal sessions per day from 20 to 35 minutes. That means that you have to go for the walk for twenty minutes in the morning and for the same twenty minute in the evening


Walk fast but at the speed with which you are comfortable. Your heart beat should pace up only a bit. You should not walk too fast to feel uncomfortable or become breathless.

Rule # 3

You have to do it 7 days a week. YES! You have to do it on Sundays as well.

By following the above mentioned rules of walking you would be in a better position to loose weight at a faster pace.

How to Lose Weight

Anyone who is wondering how to lose weight needs to understand that it is possible if you know what you are doing. Many people who are first trying to drop some weight have no idea what to do. I am in no way a doctor and the information and tips that I provide in this article are from my research online and some of the techniques that I have used in my personal journey. If you are suffering from obesity then I highly recommend that you visit your physician so that they can get you on the right path.

However if you are interested in a great read and looking for some information that I found online then sit back and enjoy this article. First of all many people who are trying to lose weight have no idea what to do and they go about it the wrong way; I personally know this because I was one of them.

If you are the type of person who does not eat breakfast because you do not think you have time for it; then it is time to begin changing that habit. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Your body has been asleep for 8 hours or more and your stomach is empty. When you eat breakfast it gives your body the energy it requires to kickstart the day and will prevent you from over eating later on at another meal. You should attempt to eat meals that consist of cereals and fruits; these are quick and are very good for you.

Another thing you should do is quit eating 3 large meals. Most people believe that we should be eating three meals; however research has found that it is much better to snack throughout the day as this is better for building metabolism for the body. The metabolism is what burns your body's fat and then you will begin to notice that you will start to lose weight.

One more important thing that I noticed that was quite easy to do and fun in my opinion; is walking for at least 30-45 minutes per day. I found that as I did this my legs and buttocks started to look better and I was in better shape; besides I enjoyed the nice peaceful walks by myself. You can either choose to go with yourself or start off with a buddy who will keep you motivated.

I have found that most people require motivation to begin exercising because it is not something that we like to do; however just remember the hardest part is beginning to exercise. Once you have gotten into a routine of doing it on a daily basis you will see how easy it is to continue that lifestyle.

If you enjoyed this article on "how to lose weight" helpful; visit our site below. You can find more information about how to get rid of belly fat and other useful information that will assist you on your journey to looking and feeling better.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Juice Fast Detox Review - The Benefits and Risks

Juice Fast diets have become quite popular amongst celebrities, naturalists, and, to a certain degree, the general public. Yet there are not only benefits to a juice fast detox diet, but also risks. How you go on a juice diet and what you do while you're on it determine how exposed you are to the risks or how well you can take advantage of the benefits.

Doing a juice fast diet can be risky because this is a very low-calorie eating plan. However, a juice diet has some benefits, the first of which is a cleansing effect. Our body is continuously infested with bad foods, undigested food, and the like. Going on a juice cleanse can do a lot to purify the body of these pollutants. This can help our skin, reduce toxins, and improve our health.

The 2nd major benefit of a juice detox is that it can help you to lose a lot of weight specifically because it's a low calorie plan. It's one of the best ways to kick start a weight loss process.

However, as I said earlier, you have to make sure you're doing this right. Here are some tips:

1. If you do a juice diet for a few days straight, make sure not to pass 10 days. More than that can be a toll on your body as it's too long with too few calories.

2. You can do a short juice diet for 1-2 days each week or 10 days. This can be even more effective than doing a long stretch. One of the best programs which uses this kind of fast is the Eat Stop Eat program.

3. If you do a juice diet for a few days straight, try not do too much physical activity. You're eating too few calories.

Overall, a juice fast cleanse can be a good thing. Make sure to follow the basic guidelines and you should be fine.

What Can Be Done to Stop a Cycle of Losing and Gaining Weight?

If you ever stayed on a diet, I am sure you can recall that after you stop your diet, your weight also comes back. The reason is simple, you consume more calories than you burn. This concept is so simple that everyone is aware of it, but not many people know a way around it. The fact that people can't be always on a diet is realistic, it is similar to the fact that at some point you want to relax your muscles, and just enjoy yourself. And, if you can't relax that pressure like stress, builds up until you give up. Things do not have to be this way, because all you are doing is forcing yourself to do something against your own will. This makes it harder to make long term commitments to your diet. But, commitment is very important and without it you can't succeed in the long run. You might be able to lose some weight, but very soon you will get tired and your weight would start going back up all over again.

Before you commit to something, you have to try to understand what you are coming to, and make sure that it is reasonable or logically sound to make that kind of commitment for the rest of your life. Is it logically sound to eat only those foods that are defined as "good" for your body, but might not be so good to eat those foods just for pleasure? Well, I don't know about you, but for me it is hard to stop eating cakes, candy, or other sweet treats. It is hard for me to stop eating bread, meat, and whatever tastes good. But, the problem is not in the food we eat, it is about how, how much, when, with what or in what combination.

If you eat a lot of something, it is probably not necessary and most likely will make you gain more weight. If you eat at night or just at any time you feel like it, it would also make you gain weight. If you got used to eating a little bit of everything at one sitting you are very likely to gain weight. So, while it is difficult to say that I would never eat sweets in my life because sweets make me fat. It would not be very difficult to commit to eating sweets separately from other foods like meat, or meals in general. Pizza is a good example because essentially it is a combination of different foods; it contains bread, cheese, meant, vegetables, and sometimes fruits. While overeating is the most obvious contributor to overweight problems, eating cheese, meat, and bread all together is even worse. But, most of us manage to include sweets at the end of each meal on top of everything else, which is very damaging to our health.

If you want to be healthy, and stay in control of your weight, it is important to commit to good eating habits, like eating meat with rice and vegetables, without any sweets or bread. Bread and fruits is very good combination, even though not many people have tried it, I really enjoy watermelon with bread, which I would recommend to try to anyone who likes watermelon.

Can I Lose Weight From Hula Hooping? The Answer and Reason

Of course you can, but the real question is for what reason? Obviously the full body movement that is required would help, but the primary reason hula hooping would be a good way to lose weight is because it's fun. When you enjoy doing something you're going to do it much more, this is common sense. But there is another, more subtle, reason that hula hooping will help you lose weight.

Stress is the biggest problem with our work towards weight loss. In fact, stress is what makes weight loss seem like work. We lose interest quickly when losing weight is hard, it's extremely unpleasant to stop eating some of your favorite foods, and working yourself into a frenzy at the gym is a shock to your body that is never fun to experience. So why go through this routine every time we want to lose weight? Is it just that we're creatures of habit? Are we unable to learn something new?

Strange as it may soon, trying something fun to lose weight is almost never really talked about. Having fun is a great way of improving your mood, your health, and your state of mind. Think about it, wouldn't it be nice to improve your level of happiness while you lose weight? Those of us who have tried to lose weight as a way to be happy know that it's always very short lived.

Why do you want to lose weight? Because you want to enjoy life a little bit more. Try enjoying life a bit more and losing weight will follow. Stress does horrific things to the body (including raising levels of cortisol which increases fat production in the body) and remembering how to have fun is the key to losing weight properly.

Drink These 2 Things to Lose Belly Fat Lightning Fast

Want to lose belly fat fast? Include the following 2 drinks listed below into your diet for maximum and quick results.

Firstly, always remember the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle first before you begin any type of diet. Those basic principles are proper nutrition (protein, complex carbs, vitamins & minerals, fiber, healthy fat), get plenty of sleep nightly (7-9 hours every night), drink pleny of water daily (1/2 to 2 gallons daily), cardio exercise, and weight training exercise.

Here are 2 drinks you should include into your diet to maximize results:

Green Tea Mixed With Lemon & Honey: Green tea is a powerful tea with several health benefits. One of green tea's greatest qualities is it's ability to boost your metabolism. With boosting your metabolism, you will burn more calories, belly fat, and total body fat, plus improve your overall health. I recommend 1 cup daily. Flavor & sweeten green tea with honey and lemon for added nutritional benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar: This is going to take some getting used to! The taste is...well...let's just say, questionable! ACV is another powerful beverage with a plethora of health benefits. ACV can help in curbing your appetite (have 3 tablespoons mixed with 8 ounces of water before your large meals of the day), boosting your metabolism, and improving your overall health.

By adding the above drinks into your daily diet, you will be able to maximize your efforts to lose belly fat, total body fat, and improve your overall health. Just remember, no diet or program is going to be effective with out first understanding and implementing the basic core principles of a healthy lifestyle as mentioned above.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How Do I Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks? Not Possible! - Sample of Healthy Meal Plan Included!

No matter how I say this, it is going to sound mean and I am sorry about that, but you cannot lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. You should have started planning in advance. So what you do need to do is set a goal for yourself such as a pound a week and in two months you will lose 20 pound, but it will take time.
So there are three things you have to do and I know this will sound like a Blah, blah blah, but bare with me for a second. So you need to: Eat Right, Exercise and Eat smaller portions of the meal! Having said this. The key to losing 10 or 20 or 30 pounds is in your metabolism. But no matter what you do, you should never stop eating.
First start with breakfast, since it is the most important meal of the day. Have some cereals, low-fat milk and some soy bread. Soy does not contain any of the harmful elements, it is rich in fibers as well as the grains. Fiber loaded food is great in speeding up your metabolism.
It is very important to introduce this type of food into your daily meals, no matter if you are trying to loose weight or not, you have to take care of your body all the time. After that have a small meal, usually some fruit, but don't overdo, one apple or a grapefruit would be enough kind of like a snack. But healthy snack.
You can eat fruit all day long if you like but be careful, never in large portions, always keep your portions small. For lunch you can always have some meet, but never without vegetables. There must be some cabbage, broccoli on your plate every day. You can also add some fruit or veggie snack for afternoon snack.
Dinner is usually again some fruit, or a yogurt depends on what you like to eat the most. And never forget. NO SWEETS. If you want to loose wait, don't even start if you cannot give up on sweets. However for sugar cravers, there are some good diets that help getting you of sugar cravings and quick weight loss. Drink lots and lots of water. That is a must, no soda, just water! Great detox from toxins as well as miracle on metabolism. So again, if you want to lose 20 pounds in more than a week, than you have to set a goal and eat right! But no matter what you do, do not starve!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Top 10 Tips to Losing the Extra Weight

There are many reasons to lose weight, and losing weight is not as hard you as think. Before you go on your weight loss campaign, you need to know exactly why you are doing so. Some people lose weight for the sake of others. Others want to look and feel good about themselves. Most people do it for their own health. Whatever the reason is, it is important to note that you have to do it for yourself for sustained long-term effects.

Here are the top 10 tips that I have found useful. Here goes!

1. Choose an activity that fits into your schedule. It can be swimming, jogging, or walking your dog.The main idea is to do it consistently. If you are unable to do it on a regular basis, you will start to lose interest in the long run.

2. Eat 5 meals of smaller portions instead of the regular 3 meals. This will increase your metabolism as your body is working to digest food all the time.

3. Eat calcium-rich foods. High-calcium diets favour burning than storing fats. However, your diet should be of low-fat as well. Stick to low-fat, high-calcium food sources such as milk, cheese and dark leafy vegetables.

4. Refrain from deep-frying your food. Choose to boil,steam, stew or make a soup. If you are stir-frying, use olive oil instead of cooking oil. Olive oil can significantly lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack as well.

5. Avoid watching TV while having dinner. Research has shown that those watching TV and dining at the same time tend to 'over-eat'.

6. Cut down on sugar. Less sugar for your coffee. Less sugar-coated donuts. Less coke. Less, less, less...

7. Eat slowly. The stomach will take some time to tell your brain that it has taken enough for the day. If you gulp down your food, you are probably over-eating. Have you have the instances when you over-eat and only realise it after a while? You feel bloated, swollen and just feel like throwing up even though you were OK minutes ago.

8. Take lots of vegetables and fruits. Snack on them instead of cookie bars or popcorn. Go easy on the salad dressing though. Salad dressings are usually high in fats and sugars.

9. Be active on the time. If you need a break from the computer, just do some stretching or walk around the office. Just move your butt!

10. Adopt a 'losing' mentality. By constantly reminding yourself of your purpose, you are getting closer to your goals each day. You will feel motivated and charged up each day.

Just remember to stay disciplined and you are on your way to lose those extra fats! Be a happy loser!

Your Six Pack Quest - The Review

No nonsense 6 pack quest also known as "Your Six Pack Quest" is Vince Delmonte's new "Ab Shredding System". Vince is a world famous fitness coach and author, Vince Delmonte is known as the top "Skinny Guy" expert and has helped more skinny guys and girls defeat their muscle unfriendly genes without drugs and supplements. If you don not know him, Vince is a guy who never sugar coats the truth. Vince told me that his new system will give you the body you desire in 6 short months Guaranteed. Vince sent me a review copy of his program and I would like to share with you my review and opinion .So lets take a closer look at the no nonsense six pack quest.

The program focus on the main corner stones of any successful weight loss program: weight lifting, cardio and a clean diet. First I thought this is like any weight loss system these days so what is unique about it? After I went through the whole system I realized the uniqueness of the six pack quest program. The system is designed for you take just one step at a time. After you master it you move to the next step this applies to all different cornerstones weight training, cardio and diet. Of course you can take more than one step if you want. Another unique point is that there are different levels in the program starting from extremely overweight to the elite athlete level. The following is the list of the main point you will learn about in the system.

Why most people don't get six pack abs, Vince explains the main reasons behind that and the myths preventing most people from reaching this goal

How to get motivated? If you ever gone through a diet you will know that lack of motivation is the key factor for not reaching your goals. Vince explains his formula for continuous motivation.

Weigh training for fat loss is another corner stone in the system. Vince explains the importance of weight training in any fat loss program and that the lack of weight training is dangerous and causes a muscle loss. He also provides a different programs for different levels he has the 3 days ,4 days and the 5 days programs.

Cardio for fat loss is still an essential part in any fat loss program. Vince agrees with the term "long slow cardio is dead" and it is not the most efficient method. Vince introduces a unique efficient cardio structure that you can control according to your fitness level and time. He also reveals some research results that suggest that spot reduction is possible (but not miracle spot reduction to be clear) .These unique and new findings of the research are also integrated in the cardio plan.

Nutrition for fat loss no fat loss system is complete without it. This is a big topic but the system covers all the basics and details of a healthy fat loss diet. It provides you with a step by step action plan that you can follow till you achieve the perfect fat loss diet. You can apply just one step each week and still see results.

Supplements might have it is place sometimes. Vince has been always a firm believer that the supplements business is a scam (at least most of it). He is clear that supplements are not necessary in the same time he explains from his experience and research what can help and when it is needed.

The fat loss life style. In the end Vince concludes with a list of action steps to achieve a life style that helps and accelerates you fat loss quest.

I forgot to mention that a guy named Peter Carvell has lost 100 lbs in just six months using Vince's help and the same principles in the six pack quest program. I also forgot to tell you that you may win 1000$ from vince if use this system to transform your body in six months or less.

Weight Loss Hypnosis Program

Need to lose a few pounds?

The first thing hypnosis for weight loss hypnosis program helps you lose weight is retraining your body to not need so much food. Your body may become addicted to food for several reasons; you may have eaten due to boredom, to be social or to make yourself feel better.

Hypnosis for weight loss will turbo charge your motivation to work out more! Working out is important when losing weight, because the scales do not tell you how much muscle you have.
The third thing weight loss hypnosis program can do for you is allow you to get a better nights sleep.

Lose weight fast & easy with weight loss hypnosis program

Can you really lose weight with weight loss hypnosis program? Yes. Why? Because they change how you think and feel about food.

Weight loss hypnosis was introduced some time ago around the same time that people started using hypnosis to quit smoking.

When you think of hypnosis you may think of a person being hypnotized into thinking they are a cat or dog and being told to make strange noises and then snapping out of it when the magician says the magic word.

With weight loss hypnosis you will not instantly be turned away from the fatty foods that you enjoy so much. Weight loss at it's core, is self hypnosis. The process begins with knowing what you want, in this case, a successful weight loss program. Until you can manage the self hypnosis process I just described, your weight loss program will not properly begin. The process again is simple. Being assertive is one of the most desired character qualities people strive for. There are volumes written on being assertive and it's approach to weight loss programs.

Simply put, being assertive toward your weight loss program enhances your chances for success. I have listed the websites on Negative thoughts holding you back?

If you are struggling with weight loss hypnosis can provide the extra motivation to keep you moving in the direction of your goals, and enable you to escape the many food traps that get in the way of weight loss. Hypnosis is the perfect tool for re-educating your unconscious mind - the part that creates cravings and impulses - to give you back choice in what you eat.

Weight loss begins in the mind. Many a weight loss program has been derailed by the dreaded TV munchies. Boost your motivation to cook healthy food that fits with your weight loss goals.

Comfort eating means that foods high in simple carbohydrates such bread, cookies and cakes are often used as relaxants without your conscious mind ever being aware what is happening. We all know that as well as piling on the pounds, most fast food is bad for your health as well.

3 Key Tips to Losing Fat Now

With the modern images of what "the perfect body" for a man and woman looks like, new fad diets, diet products and techniques are coming out every day. Everyone is trying to get rich off of the obesity issue by selling low quality products that have little or no impact on the actual fat loss.

It hit me one day, which is what contributed majorly to my current fitness level. Going back to the basics is all you could ever need to get the body that you want, and the health level that you wish for.

1. Fat loss is 80% in the kitchen. Go on the treadmill, and run yourself silly, for a test. See how many calories you've lost. 300-400 or so? Now, how much easier would it be to simply cut out those 3 extra slices of cheese from the daily diet? Much easier. Planning out what you eat for the day allows you to keep a strict intake of calories/carbs/proteins/fats. This is key to proper dieting, and proper dieting is key to shedding those pounds.

2. The other 20%. We've all heard of Weight Watchers. I personally know a few people who did it, and one person lost 60 lbs without any exercise. It's true, you can lose weight without exercise. Why I wouldn't recommend it is because you lose all of your muscle mass. Without muscle, there's no shape, and whether you're a guy or girl, looking near anorexic is as unattractive as being obese. Weight training 3-4 days a week is key to maintaining and building lean muscle. After all, why aim for a flat stomach if your abs are too small to show off, right?

3. Don't cut everything out! How many times have you tried a diet and failed? 95% of failed diet attempts are because people restrict themselves too much, increasing the temptation of cheating by a lot as well. Include a cheat day or two, or even a small cheat meal once a day. You can enjoy being on a diet, if you do it properly, and shed those unwanted pounds.

Vadym Zyabkin, living in Vancouver, used to be obese. Over the past two years, he's worked with proper exercise, and proper nutrition, in order to make girls walk into walls.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Rotating Calories

Rotating calories is an extremely effective way to lose weight quickly, safely, and with the least amount of effort, and the least amount of sacrifice.

When you are rotating calories (also commonly referred to as shifting calories), you are not sacrificing on any foods from the four major food groups. Instead, you are literally rotating the types of calories that you consume, from meal to meal, from day to day. When you rotate calories in the appropriate sequence, you will be able to compel your body's metabolism to go into fat-burning mode, literally at will. So, even though you are eating plentiful food of all different varieties, and you never feel hungry or dissatisfied, you will still lose weight.

You can expect to lose 9 pounds every 11 days while on a rotating calories diet. That is just shy of about 1 pound per day of solid weight loss!

But is this diet safe? Is it satisfying? Will it work? Let's take a look at some of the basic rules of the diet:

1. You can eat as much food as you desire at every meal, until you are satisfied, but not too stuffed.

2. You will be eating 4 full meals per day, and each meal must be spaced out by at least 2.5 to 3 hours in between each, minimum.

3. You must drink at least 10 full glasses of water every day.

4. You must take a mandatory 3-day break from the diet every 12th through 14th days.

So, in essence, you don't count anything. No calories. No carbohydrates. You eat until your body tells you that you are satisfied.

You eat food from all four food groups. You eat four times a day. The only catch is that you must rotate your calories every meal.

As for point #4 above, this is one of the most unique features about this diet. You are required to take 3-days off from the diet, during which you are free to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, as long as you never stuff yourself and eat only until you are satisfied. Why is this rule even here?

Because most nutritionists and dietitians agree that too much rapid weight loss is unsafe for your body. By imposing this 3-day diet moratorium, your body will have ample opportunity to rest and stabilize from the diet, before you may resume the diet again for another 11 consecutive days, after which you must take another 3-day break again.

Calorie Rotation

Calorie rotation is an effective means to lose weight. Rather than counting calories or carbohydrates and rather than focusing on "eating less", you merely rotate the types of calories that you consume, from meal to meal, from day to day.

By rotating your calories in the proper sequence and proper pattern, you can trigger your body's metabolism, at will, to induce fat burning.

While you are on a calorie rotation diet, you can reasonably expect to lose 9 pounds every 11 days. And yes, if you do the math, that comes out to be just shy of a pound per day! Indeed, the calorie rotation diet is an extremely effective rapid weight loss diet regimen.

One of the most intriguing features of the calorie rotation diet are that you can eat as much food as you want at every meal until you are completely satisfied. The quantity doesn't matter, because the weight loss isn't based on the quantity of your food intake, but on the quality. You can eat like this for four meals a day, and as long as you are rotating the types of calories that you consume from meal to meal, you will lose weight!

Many nutritionists and dietitians will cry foul, stating that calorie rotation is unsafe because too much rapid weight loss is not good for the body. For that reason, the calorie rotation diet also incorporates another extremely unique feature that has yet to be found in any other diet program: a three-day "cheat break" from the diet.